Part 3: Flowers

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It's been a while since you met Chronophobia and Hydrophobia. They seem really nice, except to the cowboy at times. You were being welcomed to their group of friends and they allowed you to get contertable at your own pace. There were more phobias that were actually nice than you thought. Becasue, to you there were only bullies. The others of the group were informed about your shyness, stuttering, and abuse. So, they would give you time to stutter out your words as you spoke and made you feel confertable. And when they go to touch you, they be sure to not touch your bruises and be gentle when they shook your shoulder.

You were with Pistalpetaphobia as he walked with you around Nightmarescape. He mostly went on about himself, but he would stop and ask you about things or even about yourself. There wasn't much to tell when someone wants to know about you. This day, he was more quiet than usual. He kept turning his head to you and blush with a little smile. You never really saw it, because he was taller than you and you were looking down.

When you two reached your place, Pistalpetaphobia looked at you and said "Well, I guess I'll leave ye here." then he paused.

You didn't respond. He was acting odd. He looked away when he realized that he wasn't going to get a response from you. He was now... nervous. "Hey... Trigger... would ya like to... go out on a date?" Pistalpetaphobia asked sweating.

You were... suppriesed? He's been wanting to ask you out, but always felt like it was to soon. Now, he finally asked, but wasn't sure if it was the right time to do so. You were confussed and... feeling other unexplainable emotions. 'Is something wrong with me?'

Pistalpetaphobia started to panic and began chuckling, "Heh... hey! I was kiddin'! Heh.... heh... Yeah, just kiddin' with ye! Heh... ha...."

He said his goodbyes to you and left. You headed to what you called a 'bed' and rested there. Pistalpetaphobia began to rush as he thought to himself, 'Damnit! It was to soon! I shouldn't have asked her out yet! Why did I think it was the time to ask? I'm such an IDIOT! What if when I ask her again, she thinks that it's a joke? Oh no... why did do that?! I'm a mess. Trigger wouldn't be with a guy like me. Everyone here "dislikes" me. What is it that she would see in me?' .

Pistalpwtaphobia ran into someone as he was mentally paniking. He fell on the ground as the other person did as well. They got up and noticed that it was Pistalpetaphobia who ran into them. They began to shout at him, "Uhg... Of course it's YOU! Watch where you're going!"

Pistalpetaphobia looked at them as he got up himself. He saw Philophobia, the fear of love. "Sorry, I was... thinking." the cowboy said brushing himself off.

"Really... thinking about what?" Philophobia asked.

Pistalpetaphobia didn't want to respond to that, but Philophobia kept saying "So, you were just being a jerk then" over and over. Then, Pistalpetaphobia had enough and lashed out in words, "I was thinking about asking Trigger out on a date!!!"

There was silence. There were other phobias around that heard him and turned to look at his direction. For a few moments, Pistalpetaphobia didn't realize it. When he did, he covered his mouth with one hand and saw the phobias that were in sight. Watching him. Philophobia just stood there. Everyone was just silent. Chronophobia and Hydrophobia were there too.

Pistalpetaphobia turned his head and saw the other phobias there looking at him. He panicked again and ran off back to his place. He shut himself in and wasn't sure if they were going to tell you about that. He was nervous and began to sweat. 'What am I goin' to do?! I was stupid for yellin' that out loud. Now they know my feelin's towards Trigger. I know she's shy and all, but what if she doesn't like me?'.

Someone was at the door and let themself in. Pistalpetaphobia turned to see who was walking in. He was actually shocked to see Mother Nature there. She looked at him as he had blush covering his face, as he didn't know about it. "Are you... okay?" Mother Nature asks.

Pistalpetaphobia tried to act fine and cool, which he was failing at, and responded "What? Why do ye ask? I'm fine."

Nature looks at him and said "You yelled at Philophobia in front of everyone about Triggerphobia. Do you like her?"

He just stood there silently as he blushed harder. He wasn't ready to confess to anyone else, even tell his own friends. Now, they all know about it. This was hard for him. Nature was waiting for a response, "Uhhhh... E-Everyone was there?"

Nature nodded. Pistalpetaphobia panicked, which Nature had to calm him down. Nothing was really working, but she had an idea that was plan C... or B. "Do you know her well?" She asks.

"W-Well........ yeah."

"What's her favorite flower?"

"Trigger? Well, she likes (f/flower)" Pistalpetaphobia said smiling.

"And her favorite color?"

"(f/c), like her necklace."

Mother Nature made a bunch of (f/c) (f/flower) and handed them to Pistalpetaphobia. He takes them and asked, "What am I supposed to do with these?"

"Go and give them to her." Nature responded.

He began to look nervous and looked at the flowers. Maybe it is time to tell. Pistalpetaphobia rushed over to your place, as he also avoided the other phobias just to get over to you. When he got there, he entered your place and found you gone. He started to panic, but he heard you walk in the place. He turned to see you there with a scratch on your arm. Pistalpetaphobia got out the aid kit, that Chronophobia made and left at your place, and bandaged up your arm.

"Darlin', what happened? And where did ye go?" He said scared.

You looked away and didn't want to tell him. He waited for you to say something, but realized that he wasn't going to get anything from his question. He brought up the flowers and handed them to you. You looked at the pretty flowers and smiled a small bit. He was always happy to see you smile. "Th-th-the-therr-ere-there pr-pre-ph-pret-ty. Th-tha-nk y-you-"

You were cut off by Pistalpetaphobia, who was impatient and kissed your lips. It was sudden. He was being sweet and gentle. When he pulled himself away, you were seen blushing and calm. He smiled at that and knew you were okay.

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