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I hear my alarm go off. I grab my phone and turn it off. I sigh and stare at the ceiling. 'I fucking hate school' i thought. I sit up and check the time. I still have time. I get up and go shower.

I slip on a black long sleeve, and then my black jacket. I grab my backpack, my phone, and my headphones. I connect my head phones to my phone and play my music really loudly. I then leave my room and go downstairs, and out the front door. I walk to my bus stop and sigh. 'i hate people..' I think to myself as other students that go to my school, arrive at the same bus stop. The bus finally shows up and i am the first one in. I sit in the very back of the bus. The other students pilled on but i didn't care. I look for my Favorite song, Kitchen Sink by twentyonepilots.

{Play song above if you'd like}

Once the bus arrived at school, all of us students got off. I push past everyone and go straight to my locker. I open it and pull out what i need for my first period and go to that class. I enter the room and sit in the very back. I have to come early or else some other dumb student's come and take my spot.

Class was stupid and boring, i fell asleep for the whole class. Only reason i woke up was because Im Jaebum shook me awake. "Yo, Wake up" i look up and glare. "Calm down, i was just trying to wake you up" i nod and rub my eyes. "Thanks" i mutter and he nodded. "See you later" Jaebum says and walks away. I grab my things and walk out of class. I go to my locker and exchange my books for my other books. "Well if it isn't slutty Tuan" i hear and my locker closed in front of me. I sigh. Kakuji, Japanese Exchanged student. He came here when i was in my Junior year of high school. I don't understand why he bullies me. "What can i do to have you sleep with me~?" I growl and push him away "fuck off Kakuji, i'm not your slut, im not a slut in General" i snap and he smirked. "Mark, you are so much fun to mess with, who would want to sleep with your ugly ass?" I roll my eyes and walk away. He pushes me onto the floor and kicks my stomach. This is nothing compared to what i get at home. I kick his shin and crawl away. I then stand and start running to the restrooms. I get in and close the door locking it. "You're not supposed to lock the door.." I hear a voice. I turn around and see Jaebum. He threw away the paper he was drying his hands with and sat on the sink counter. "Why did you lock the door?" I shake my head and squint my eyes at him. "None of your business" i say and look in all of the stalls. Just me and him. "Were you getting bullied by Kakuji again?" I quickly turn around and grab him by the collar. "What do you know?" He chuckled and pushed me away gently. "I see everything, I'm usually quiet and observe everything" i hum and sit next to him. "Are you skipping class?" He asked. "What? No" i say and he chuckled "the bell rang already" my eyes widen and i run and open the door. "Bye" "bye!" I yell and run towards my second period.

"Mr. Tuan! You are late! That means you will get detention after school" i sigh and nod, sitting at my desk. One of my fellow students poked me with his pencil. I look at Him, Park Jinyoung. "Here, you missed a couple notes.." He whispered. I pull out my note book and my pencil and start copying them. I push his notebook back to him "thanks..." I whisper. He smiled and nodded. I sighed and kept writing notes down for the class.

After 2 times trying not to fall asleep, the bell rang. I stand and put my things away before standing and walking out of class. I slowly walk to my locker and open it. I grab my math book and put my science book back in my locker. I close my locker and walk to my third period class. "Hey Hyung.." I look up and see my only 'friend' Jackson Wang. "Oh hey..." We walked to class silently. "So has Kakuji tried anything?" He asked. I shake my head.


It's now lunch time and i sit at my table. Jackson doesn't have my lunch so i sit alone. "Hey there...." I look up from my phone and see Jaebum. "Hey..." I say and take one ear bud out. "Can i sit here?" I shrug and Jaebum sat down. "So, how are your classes going" I sigh "okay, just that i have detention after school" "for being late?" I nod and jaebum hummed. "I can sneak you out" i look up again and stared at Jaebum. "Really?" He nodded "want me too?" I nod and he smiled. "Okay, sit next to the door ok? It makes things easier" i nod. Then we ate lunch peacefully.

I sigh, the last bell rang and i have to go to detention. I open the door and the gym teacher smirked. "Ahh Mark Tuan, Never seen you here" i roll my eyes and listen to Jaebum's rule. 'Sit near the door'. I take my seat and stare at a random poster. "Get something to do, but you can not use your phone" i look around and see like 2 other people and they are sleeping. I look back to the coach and he fell asleep. What a supervisor. I look over to the door and i see it open slightly. Jaebum peaked his head in and opened the door wider, waving his hand. I look at the coach before running out the class. Jaebum chuckled and closed the door before following me.

"So where are you going?" Jaebum asked as he walked with me. "My house, you?" "Eh, i was thinking of going to the pizza place down the street" Mark hummed. "I'll join you" Jaebum seemed surprised but nodded. "Alright then" i nod and walked along side of Jaebum.

We sat at a small, two person table. Jaebum was talking to the waiter as i looked around. Not a lot of people, which i like. I look at Jaebum and he smiled. "I got you a cheese pizza, since i don't know what you like" i nod and go on my phone. After a couple minutes of looking around, Jaebum got on his phone too. "Here is your food, enjoy" i look up and nod. Jaebum thanked the guy and started eating his pizza. "Why do you like eating here?" I ask. I'm a bit curious since he keeps looking around. "You believe in love at first sight?" I shake my head and Jaebum chuckled. "Well, i do, and one time, after school, i came here and there was a young boy here, he is in his sophomore year, we talked and got along, we talked untill the place closed. I never got his number or any social media, i remember his name clearly, like my own, so everyday i come here to see if he will ever return" "did he go to our school?" "No, he didn't live near our school so he couldn't attend it" i nod "oh.... What's his name?" "I can't tell you that.... Well not now atleast...." I nod, understandingly. We eat in silence.

After a while, i walk home, he decided to stay a bit longer which i smiled at a bit. I unlock my door and open it slowly. I slowly walk in and slowly close the door. I tiptoe into the house. I make my way up the stairs, not bothering to look in the living room. I then hear moaning and i sigh. He brought another girl home... I walk normally to my room and open the door. My small room, with my bed, dresser, bathroom, and small closet all in one place. I close the door and toss my bag on my chair and lock my door. I walk over to my bed and fall on it. I was about to take a nap but i got a text. It's Jackson

Jackson👌🏻: hey Mark

Mark😒: hey Jacks

Jackson👌🏻: what's up?

Mark😒: nothing, what about you?

Jackson👌🏻: doing homework

Mark😒: crap i forgot we had any

Jackson👌🏻: i can let you copy tomorrow!!

Mark😒: thanks Jackson, i'll text you later, i'm going to take a nap

Jackson👌🏻: alright, rest well Mark

Mark😒: thanks

I toss my phone on my dresser and close my eyes, letting the darkness consume me.

This it the first part of 'Go Away'

I hope you understand Mark a bit

He is only 'friends' with Jackson

Jaebum is like someone he talks to but not on a daily bases

Kakuji is a bully who likes to mess with Mark and call him a slut, whore, ect.

Thank you for reading

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