Chapter EIGHT

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Ida's heart raced, for a moment she'd forgotten how to breathe.
  She felt like he was trying to search her soul through his eyes.

He was inches away from her, inches away from her lips.

If it wasn't for the sudden presence of his driver and body guards he would have still be lost in the epitome of her beauty.

"You look amazing", he complimented.

Ida cleared her throat.
"Thank you", she replied shyly.


The drive was suffocating for Darrius, he found it irresistibly hard to keep his eyes to himself; even when once seeing her at her worst; she looked so much different from the woman he saw through the glass of the building that day.

All he could do was steal small glimpses of her when her attention was locked on the outside.


The car stopped.

Ida looked at the restaurant, then at him.
"Darrius this place is only for the rich and famous".

"And you're with me", he replied.

Reporter were flocked around the place, awaiting their latest news or scandal.

"When we step out, they're going to surround us, they're gonna throw accusations, asking questions, all you need to do is ignore them all", Darrius sensed her unease.
  "Ida look at me", he covered her hand with his.
  "We don't have to get out there if you don't want to, just say the word, do you want to?".

She took a deep breathe, the nod in agreement.


No doubt, it was just as he'd said.

Mr. Taylor who is she, is she your new mistress, Mr. Taylor is she another one of your flings?, how long have you been seeing each other?

The ones that were directed to Ida were.

What's your name?, are you from Philadelphia?, do you think you're the one?, are you rich?.

They were everywhere, Darrius body guards guided them through the crowd, Ida never felt so terrified.
Darrius held her by the waist in protectance.


Darrius was instantly recognized and they were ushered in by the hostess, a tall, blond, young lady, who seemed to be star-struck by Darrius since she was looking for every opportunity to look at him, he paid no attention to her, the guards stayed clear but in a distant that they look over at their boss.

"Are you okay?", he asked Ida when they were seated.

"I can't imagine living like that", Ida replied.

"It's not so bad", he lied.

"Not so bad?, it's terrible"
She continued, "guess we both live in different world's".

Darrius eye raised.
"Who says we live in different world's?".

"your own personal driver, the bodyguards, and the way people rushed at you as if you were royalty, speaks for itself, besides my friend apparently knows who you are, when I thought she was crazy, she looked you up", Ida thought she was babbling too much and decided to say no more.

"Your friend seems the complete opposite of you", he changed the subject.

"Yea she is, is that a bad thing?", Ida asked.

"Didn't say it was", he responded.

The man was despicable, she thought.

"Excuse me,my apologies about the delay Mr Taylor, I hope the wait wasn't any inconvenience to both you and your beautiful date", the manager interrupted.

The man spoke to Darrius as if it was his own boss that he feared.

"I don't know, I guess once the lady says it's alright", the men turned to Ida.

Ida couldn't believe she was placed on the spot, two pair of eyes were on her.

"It's alright", she softly answered. Ida knew she almost fumbled to speak.

Darrius was furious the way the man held his eyes on Ida, he could just imagine the way he was undressing her with his eyes; it took all of his strength not to knock him to the floor, rip his eyes out and  teach him a lesson.

"Tell your chef, recommend his special", Darrius wanted nothing better than the man to quickly leave.

The man nod, not before taking another look at Ida.

Darrius cleared his throat, the facial expression he must have made, had made the manager hurried off.

He wanted a distraction, something to keep him from not trailing after the man.
"So what's so different about our world's?" ,

"All this lavish and not being able to afford privacy",Ida was well aware of what was going on, but she was more than happy to change the uncomfortable subject.

The look on his face was expressionless.

"I'm sorry",

"Don't be, I'm amused, and you're right, it's just that, for an introvert you say so little to explain but they end up being correct", he said to her.


"What's on your mind?", Darrius sensed she was distant.

"Trust me, you don't want to know" she replied.

They were sitting in the backseat of the car, parked outside of her trailer.

"I thought we passed that", he assumed.

Running away from the truth she said, "how can you meet a total stranger, take them out and not even know their name?",

Darrius smirked, he traced the back of his fingers along her jaw line, "Ida, who told you I didn't know your name?".

Shockwaves rode through her as their skin connected.
"It's getting late, I better get going".

"I'll walk you out".

Before she could protest, he had already gotten out the vehicle.


"Thank you for dinner", she said to him.

She bit down on her lower lip.

It was torture for Darrius, " I'll like to suck on that lip".

Ida felt her drive running overload, she remembered what Bonnie had said,  what do you gotta lose, What surprised her next was when she heard herself say.

"What's stopping you".

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