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I have watched an interview with three female celebrities talking about their past relationships. They all have a good point, but the last one to answer made me really think.

"For me, there is no failed relationship... When one ends, it just means that your purpose in each other's lives were already done."

Not because we didn't end up together for the rest of our lives means we have actually failed each other. We must realize that we meet people for different reasons and purpose. We may or may not be conscious about it but that's the reality.

I have learned how to love and be loved, to care and be taken care of. I have learned how to lower my guard and welcome other people whose worthy to be in my life. Thinking about it, I realized I actually did learned a lot from you, from us. I just hope I have fulfilled the purpose of my existence in your life too.

So maybe, our relationship is not really a failure after all. It may be hard to forgive and forget just like that, but I think I'll rather take it that way.

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