Author's Note.

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And that end's there.

Experiencing a heart break and dealing with it is one hell of a story.  It differs with every person. It does not depend on how long or short the relationship was. Or who broke up with who. Or even if the decision was mutual.

A broken heart deals with different phases before it finally heals. At one point you'd feel like you have to deal with it alone,  but mostly, you'd be needing support. Lucky for those who have a strong one.

I do not know who is reading this story. But if you can relate - have been or currently dealing with a heartbreak, I'd say go on and feel that pain. You'd deny it at first, become bitter about it but soon enough you would definitely accept.

By then, you'd start healing. I hope you have a strong support system to help you through. Otherwise, you can always look up and whisper a little prayer. I'm pretty sure He will never fail you.

Thank you for reading this far! Godbless.

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