Chapter 1 [part 1] Your Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman.

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I was resting in my bed when I received a sudden text, the noise of a phone notification filling the room for half a second. I turned my head to see that my phone was on the other side of my bed, and i wondered why I had left it so far away from my grasp. I sat up, reluctantly, reaching for my phone and scooped it into my hands.i unlocked my phone, seeing some random notifications, and clicked on the notification I was looking for.

"Yo! Meet me at the café as soon as possible bro" is what the message read.

I replied with "R u serious? Right now, why?"

"That's confidential."

"That didn't answer my question Suz."

" Oh come on, don't you trust me Zane-y bud?"

I smiled to myself thinking, "with all my heart". I shook the thought out of my head and replied saying, "fine, I guess i could go."

I kicked the sheets of my bed off of my body immediately feeling a cold rush through my torso down, being that it was winter and didn't want to waste my money on heating for my house. I rushed to my closet and pulled out my red turtleneck, black overcoat, and comfortable grey jeans. Once everything was on, deciding to skip lunch being I was going to a café, went to my front door where my dark grey scarf and boots were awaiting me.I put them on, grabbed my wallet, and set off, excited to see Suzie.

I opened the door of the cafe and shut it immediately, feeling the warm embrace of the air. I scanned the area of the cafe until my eyes locked with Suzie's. She  stood up from her seat waving to me, and i couldn't help but smile. "She's so cute," I thought as I waved back.

I was so focused on her I hadn't noticed that there was someone next to her until I walked to her table. When I did notice, i kind of stared at the girl confused. She broke eye contact and I finally said something. "Who is she?" i asked. "Oooooh, wrong choice of words Zane..." Suzie replied. "What do you me-", i was cut off but the stranger saying, "I'm not a girl dude."

"Oh shoot, I'm sorry, i didn't know your pronoun's"

"I'm not trans either."

"... sorry."

"It's fine, people think I'm a girl all the time."

I finally decided to take a seat, and i examined the guy. He really looked like a girl, and partially sounded like one too. He was wearing a white dress shirt with a reddish-pink cardigan over. He wore a ring on each index finger, one with a pink gem and one with a red gem, and had star earrings to finish his style. He had brown hair, long enough to put in a small ponytail, which is what he did. But his eyes, bright blue, not odd, but I had never met someone with blue eyes before. The table was blocking the lower half of his body so I couldn't see what he was wearing there.

"Well isn't this one heck of a meeting." Suzie semi-shouted to break the silence.

"So... who are you?" i asked the guy, with a sudden realization that Suzie was hanging with another guy. I didn't want to be jealous, but like with most feelings, jealousy could not be easily brushed off.

"I'm your friendly neighborhood Spiderman," he said with a smile.

Suzie laughed, "come on Michael be serious!" "well there goes my secret identity." he said as he reached his hand out to shake mine, "Nice to meet you, I'm Michael Evans."

I stared at his hand for a second, but shook it, replying with, "I'm Zane, you introduce yourself with your last name too?"

"No point in hiding it. What's yours?" he replied with

I hesitated for a bit, but finally said, "B-bird."

"Your last name is Bird? How unique! It really is stunning." he replied.

I guess I looked pretty shocked at his response, which I was, because after he said, "I take it not many people agree with my opinion?"

"I guess you could say that the only other person I could think of that likes my last name is Suzie," I said while gesturing to her.

the waitress came with our food, and I was confused but then asked, "Did you order my food for me Suz?" "Yeah I mean, you get the same thing every time, you're kinda boring with choices," she replied with a laugh.

"I like to stay in my comfort zone!" i sternly replied. Michael laughed, "trying new things isn't so bad though." "see, Michael gets me!", Suzie said. Damn it. I'm sure Suzie had just met this guy and they already hit it off, which isn't ideal for me. They were laughing together, so i thought I would ease my way back into the conversation.

"Well... I uh, I wouldn't mind trying something new.," i said without thinking. Suzie looked back at me completely dumbfounded. "You, Zane Bird, wouldn't mind trying something new?" Suzie asked. "Yes? " I replied."alright, why don't you hang out with good ol' Michael, you never seem to hang out with anyone unless I'm there. You need a social life."

"Suzie!" both me and Michael said. We looked at each other, me looking confused while he looked somewhat worried but with another emotion mixed in, but i couldn't put my finger on it.

"You said you wouldn't mind something new, and Michael you-" Suzie said until she was cut off by Michael smacking his hand on her mouth. Suzie removed his hand from her mouth and said, "well... you guys up for it." there was a moment of silence until i sighed and said, "I wouldn't mind it." we looked at Michael and he turned his head a bit, but then nodded.

Suzie stood up and said, " well i need to use the bathroom! I'll be back, and until i am, chat for a bit about your next meeting!" she walked off and michael and i turned to face each other. Once again their was a silence, but this time, things were awkward. 

                                   I decided to take initiative and start the conversation. 

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