Winter Mornings

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Taylor awoke to the smell of chocolate and peppermint. She stumbled down the stairs, still groggy and still in her warm, lose-fitting winter pajamas. Even in Taylor's groggy and tired state, she could make out the form of her girlfriend, Karlie bent down in front of the oven and placing a pan of chocolate-peppermint cookies inside. Taylor couldn't help but smile at the sight of Karlie in an apron and pajamas. She just looked so adorable. She made her way over to Karlie, attacking her with a hug from behind and a kiss on the cheek.

"Good morning," Taylor said sweetly.

"Good morning to you too cutie," Karlie replied.

"So, what are we doing today?" Taylor inquired. Karlie turned around to face her and saw her eyes light up and her face break into a huge grin. She knew that all Taylor had been wanting to do was go Christmas shopping and walk around town, a coffee in hand. Taylor had been looking forward to Christmas for over a month now, and December was finally here. Taylor couldn't contain her child-like excitement. Karlie smiled as she watched her girlfriend being so incredibly adorable.

"Well," Karlie began, "I know that you've been wanting to go Christmas shopping, so I was thinking we could get peppermint mochas at starbucks and wander around town for a bit. After I'm done baking all the cookies, of course." Taylor's huge grin twisted into a small frown at the mention of having to wait to go shopping. Karlie saw this frown and instantly added, "Don't worry baby, this is the last batch. Once they're done baking, we can go shopping for as long as you want." At that, Taylor's smile instantly returned as she started to dance around the kitchen. Taylor knew how childish she was acting, but she didn't care. It was December, and it was almost Christmas, and her birthday. Taylor just had way too much to be excited about.

"What should we do while the cookies are baking?" Karlie asked her girlfriend. Karlie turned around from the oven to find that Taylor was drawing Christmas trees and hearts on the condensation on the window. Karlie once again thought about how adorable Taylor was.

"I'm not sure," Taylor replied. "We could just stand her and snuggle.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea."

So, they stayed cuddled together in the kitchen, drawing pictures on every window and giving each other light pecks on the cheek. Before they knew it, the cookies were done and it was time to go shopping. After getting dressed, the two girls headed out into the cold to catch a taxi. They climbed in and snuggled in the backseat while the cab driver drove them to the nearest Starbucks. Thankfully, it wasn't a very busy day due to the fresh snow on the ground. The girls got their coffees, a peppermint mocha each, then they walked to a store nearby with a beautiful display in the window.

In the store, they picked out gifts for a lot of their friends. While shopping, the girls constantly held hands and smiled at each other, so in love. Taylor bought a few candles for herself and her friends, along with a cat notebook that she figured would be nice for writing songs in. Her current notebook was pretty much full. Karlie picked up a few things which she hid from Taylor, they were for her after all. After they spent the entire afternoon shopping and talking, they headed home to watch a Christmas movie on the couch with the cats. It was a perfect first day of December.

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