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Hello guys! So first of all, before I write a chapter, I would like to thank all of those people who gave me feedback. I thought of messaging all of my fans but I was tired when I made the plot so I just messaged all of those who were online, using the Wattpad chat thing, which you can see on the lower right screen of your browser. 

Second, I beg you all to vote and comment because I want this book to be a hit, especially when my other books didn't. Please just do that as a favor?

Third, If I have grammar and spelling mistakes on your road to reading this story, I would like to say sorry. It's just that I don't look back, I don't have an editor, and because I'm just ten years old.

Last and not the least, I want to confess that I thought of deleting my first story a little a while ago. Why? You may ask. Because I didn't really like the story much, either. But I will be editing all chapters to make it more....thrilling? (Sorry, I couldn't find the perfect word)

And thanks again for being there for me, my fans!

CarolineWhere stories live. Discover now