Caroline (1)

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  • Dedicated to Tisha Gail Miranda

So, I think I've said enough with the first page. So go on!


"Dad, do I really have to go?" I whimpered at my Dad, who was staring out of the window, today's Daily Prophet clutched tightly in his hand.

"Yes, darling. You have to. The wizarding world is no longer safe. You will have to stay there for at least a year" he replied.

"And you? And Mum? Will you stay behind?" I asked.

"Yes. We have to fight in the war." he said, and I frowned deeply. "But we will do our best to stay alive, Caroline. Don't worry." he said, now turning to me with that fatherly look.

"And my wand?" I asked. "Will I be able to use it against the muggles?"

"Well I think you can" he shrugged, as my mother entered the room. "Hello, Evelyn."

"Hello, Ryan!" My mother greeted back.

"You think?" I said, as my cup crashed down on the floor. "Reparo." I flicked my wand before Dad could even get his wand out.

"Good job sweetie. And I think, because I'm not sure if the Ministry will be watching over that sort of things now they know war is approaching."

"Oh....." was all that I said.

"Now, darling. You'll have to go to our house in Canada, without us." my mom said. I scowled, and reading the look on my face, she said "Don't worry darling. Aveline will be with you"

 Aveline was my best friend in the wizarding world. She was my nanny since I was two years old, and that's what made us very close. She was like a second mother to me. My mother was always away working for a man named 'Dumbledore' but she stopped last year because of his tragic death. After his death, things became dark and dangerous. And yesterday, my parents decided to send me off temporarily to our house in Canada.

"Go off to bed now, darling. You and Aveline will be leaving by Apparating off there first thing in the morning" My mom said.

I pushed myself to my bedroom, but didn't sleep. I picked up my book named "Quidditch" and opened it. I spent my time watching a game unfold, until I became drowsy. I dropped the book on the floor carelessly and turned off the lamp. I thought about the next day, what was to happen? But as I was halfway through my thoughts, I had drowsed off to sleep.


I woke up to find myself face to face with Aveline. "Caroline" she said. "Get bathed then dressed, we'll be going any time now."

I rolled in bed, still sleepy. I was NOT a morning person. "Five minutes?" I mumbled hopefully.

"No." she said firmly. She muttered "Mobiliarbus" with a flick of her wand and before I knew it, I was floating in mid-air. "AHHHHHHHH!!!" I screamed, my eyes now wide open.

"Just to wake you up" she said with a satisfied grin before she lowered me down.

After that, she dragged me into the bathroom and tossed me my towel. "Go on" and I locked the door on her face.

I bathed with my regular routine, double checking that my wand was on the bathroom rack. I went back to my room, wand clutched tight in hand.

I looked at my closet. Nothing was in there! My mom probably transported them off to our house in California. I looked around, and I saw a new dress with Peter Pan collars lying on my bed. It was weird, but I guess Muggles wear that all the time. I examined it closely and sighed deeply. I'm glad there was a pocket in that dress for my wand.

I changed into it fastly, because my Dad had just shouted from downstairs that there was 'no time'

I almost tripped when I ran downstairs, but I was glad I was bringing my wand.

"Hello Dad, Hello Mum" I greeted them when I saw them. I grabbed a piece of toast from the table.

"Okay, I'm ready" I said looking at my parents. "What's the adress?"

"Blackwood, Angel Village, Number Eight, California" My mum said straightly. I repeated the adress for two minutes until I memorized it. "Okay." I looked around. "So, where's the luggage?" I asked, though I knew the answer already.

"Oh, Me and your Mum transported it just a few hours ago" My dad said.

"Okay" I smiled indignantly. I grabbed a pinch of floo powder and stepped into the emerald green flames. It didn't hurt, after all, I was used to this event.  Avelyn followed shortly, then I said, in a loud and clear voice, "Blackwood, Angel Village, Number Eight, California!" And dropped the powder into the flames. The faces of Mum and Dad were fading. Instead, we were spinning, in a blurred world, spinning, spinning, spinning, until it stopped abruptly and we fell facedown to the floor in front of the fireplace.

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