Chapter 1

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It wasn't the first time that I had gotten drunk on the school day. The worst part of drinking? The hangover you had to suffer the day after. Waking up to a headache, I crawled out of bed and got ready to school. Having so many hangovers, I knew how to look as if I didn't have one. After all, the queen bee had to maintain her all around perfect look, no eye bags and whatsoever. Applying all the required make-up, I gave myself a once over in front of the mirror. What would I do without make-up? 

I was always depressed but I hid it well. No one suspected anything about me as they thought Chase was a mere fling who didn't attend the same school. Little did they know that I was the cause of his death. The words of the doctor, the glares of his family members and the things my parents said to me that night were enough to make me depressed. The only person who saw right through my facade was Jacey. 

I reached my little huddle of 'friends' which people called the 'it group' and what I like to call my best friend plus seven fake barbies who clung to me for popularity. I gave them a short nod of acknowledgement and a hug for Jacey. My best friend had a sinister smile on her face.

Oh, I knew that smile......

Oh, crap. 

Not today! 

It was our weekly game of dare and this time, Jacey was going to dare me to do something possibly embarrassing. My lips formed my signature smirk. As queen bee, I could make the most ridiculous things look, nice.  Just as I was going to open my mouth to speak, Robin Jacobs passed by.

I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I watched Jacey's smile transform into a grin. She spun around to face me and pointed a perfectly manicured finger at Robin. He was the biggest nerd in school, with his suspenders and clothes from the last century and unflattering glasses. 

'I dare you to give him a makeover.' challenged Jacey. 

'Um, I don't think that's a big of a challenge for Marnie. Maybe we could spice things up a little.' 

I turned to the direction of the person who spoke. Well, wasn't it Ruby Jenkins. Her ice blue eyes were challenging and threatening but it took more to scare me. Since I became quern bee, she was always by my side. I wasn't stupid, I knew she hated me and wanted to be in my spot. I tell her, dream on. 

'What if, she gives him a makeover and convinces him to go on a date with her?' 

You know, if I was drinking water, I would've spluttered it out. What was that bitch thinking. Oh, its on. I was known as a daredevil and I never, ever backed down. A small voice inside of me was thinking, 'What about Chase? What if his friends found out?' But pride got the best of me.  'A dare is a dare, I suppose.'  Ruby's jaw dropped and an amused smile played on Jacey's lips.  That sealed the deal.  Get ready, Oakwood High, for a new, improved and popular Robin Jacobs. 


After tens of phone calls, I had gotten Robin's address, routines and his phone number. I set off to his house and I was there by fifteen minutes. Turning on the good girl charm, I knocked on his door and plastered the biggest smile I could manage. As expected, Robin opened the door and his jaw dropped at the sight of me at his doorstep. 

Step 1 of Plan A: get to know him. 

Finally, he had finally got over his shock and composed himself with an unsure smile on his face.  'So, what are you doing here?' 

Harsh? A little. 

'Oh, thought we should get to know each other.'

He raised his eyebrows and looked at me unconvincingly. I was rethinking this kind of sounded better in my head. 

'Well, my friends dared me to give you a makeover.'  Whoops, smooth one, Marnie. Real smooth. 

He shot me a cold glare. Next thing I know, he responded by slamming the door on my face. Well, this wasn't proving to be easy. 

Time to step into Plan B; Harassing him and making him open up to me.

I wasn't giving up so easily, Robin Jacobs. You wait and see. 

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