Chapter 14: A Complete Compilation

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The Teacher’s Pet

Chapter 14: A Complete Compilation

Eun Mi’s POV

Plop. Plop. Plop. Okay. I know I’m still half asleep but this noise is so annoying. Plop. Plop. Plop. It is driving me crazy. 

Plop. Plop. Plop. Oh my gosh why won’t it stop! I can’t even hear my own-Plop. Plop. Plo- I jump up and start swinging my hands in the air mindlessly trying to take down whatever is causing the nerve-wracking sound that is going through my room. Unfortunately I hit someone who is sleeping with their head and arms on my bed, slapping them across the cheek. 

The person snaps up and looks around confused and it takes me a second to fully identify who it is, “Jong Up?”

“Eun Mi? Why did you hit me?” He asks rubbing the sleep out of his eyes cutely. I smirk evilly and shake my head, “Something about your face was just calling me to hit it. I’m sorry.” 

“Sure you are. And snow men are blue.” He says sarcastically. “They are. If you put food dye on them. Or that special type of rock salt.” I retort. 

Jong Up chuckles but then his face takes on a serious expression as he looks me up and down. “Are you okay? Feeling better?” 

“Um…I feel fine. A little hungry but otherwise fine. What happened to me anyways? The last thing I remember was being out to dinner with Junmyeon…” 

“You had an allergy attack in the restaurant Eun Mi. You ate kkaesogeum.” He explains. The memories of me choking flash back into my mind and I close my eyes. 

“Are you okay?’ Jong Up asks alarmed. “Yeah I’m fine. Just remembered what happened.’ I murmur and shiver slightly. Jong Up takes my hand in his and squeezes it, “You’re okay now.” I smile at him and relax in the bed. We both stay silent.

Plop. Plop. Plop. Plop. Ah! That’s what woke me up to begin with, I almost forgot! I secretively glance around the room in search of the source of the noise when my eyes land on it, the sink in the mini bathroom! I see it right across from me. It’s taunting me. Drop after drop keeps on going into the sink no matter how much I will it to stop.

Slowly I slide myself to the edge of my bed and put one foot onto the ground making sure Jong Up doesn't notice… I stand up and am about to run when I’m pulled back by something on my arm.

“Eun Mi where are you going!” Damn you IV! I curse the white bag I’m connected to and sit back down on the bed. “Nothing.” I say innocently. 

“The doctor said you can’t move. You need to rest. Lie back down.” Jong Up instructs. Pouting I comply moving back until my back hits the pillows. Okay Eun Mi. Focus. Think of anything…windflowers…falling flowers…clear blue skies…pretty trees…delicious cupcakes…how hot Super Junior’s abs are…Plop. Plop. Plop…Water dripping incessantly so much that I swear I am going to jump out of the window! 

I frown and cross my arms over my chest. Stupid-Moon-Jong-Up-won’t-let-me-move. I watch out the side of my eye as Jong Up gets up and walks towards the bathroom…he turns the dial on the sink…Yes! Blessed peace! Slowly he walks back over to the chair next to my bed and sits back down. I wait for a second enjoying the silence and then throw my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me, “Thank you Jong Up you’re my hero!” I yell squeezing him tight. He laughs and wraps an arm around my back. “Your more then welcome Eun Mi.” He says pulling back slightly but not letting go. 

I stare into his warm brown eyes for a second enjoying their depth. I look down and see his nose…and his lips…that’s when I realize how close together we are. If I move a little bit closer his lips will be touching mine, I can feel his breath hitting my face. Slowly he leans in…

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