Chapter 20: Thunder

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Chapter based off of the song on the right by Exo-K, Thunder. Please listen to it. (Turn the english lyrics on by clicking captions) ;)

Um...enjoy...I guess. -SapphireLover

The Teacher’s Pet

Chapter 20: Thunder

Jong Up’s POV

I’m getting so used to this that it’s becoming boring, she’s not even intimidating to me anymore… I watch my mother screaming at me non-stop and I’m glad I learned to tune her out a long time ago.

She came home yesterday and hasn’t stopped yelling since and I’ve managed to deflect most of it. But one sentence she screams brings my attention back to her and I stare at her in shock. “What?”

“You heard me! I got a call from your school and they said you haven’t been going to your classes and your grades are dropping. So I’m sending you to study abroad, to America.”

I stare at her surprised for a second. “E-Eomma you want to send me away?”

“You need to get your head out of the clouds Moon Jong Up! And your thoughts away from that damn slut! But if you think you can bring your grades back up here you can stay!” She says walking out of the room before I can even say anything in response. 

Eun Mi’s POV

Today is the day I’m supposed complete the first part of Youngjae’s plan and visit Jong Up’s house. I get dressed earlier than normal for me and walk to his house, timidly knocking on the door. I’m surprised when instead of Jong Up answering like I’m expecting his Mother answers wearing a kind-and suspicious looking-smile.

“Hello, Eun Mi is it? How are you today? Come in.” She greets kindly inviting me into her home. I look at her suspiciously and tentatively make my way into the house. She closes the door behind me and motions for me to sit down in the living room. 

“So why are you here today?” She asks sitting down across from me.

“Um…I’m here to see Jong Up…is he home?” 

“No unfortunately he’s not. He’s in the sky.” She sighs contently. “Excuse me?” I ask confused.

“Oh you heard me, he’s in the sky. Right now he should be on a plane on it’s way to the United States.” 

“What? Away? Where? Why?” I gasp.

“To the United States, he’s going to be there indefinitely to improve his studies. Away from little sluts like you.” She smirks.

“How could you do that to your own son? Send him away like he’s nothing over a girl like me!” I snap.

“It wasn’t my decision. Did you think it was? No. Jong Up was given the option of staying and he chose to leave; I wonder why. Maybe because a little brat used him for months and then left him?” She counters and then chuckles before continuing, “But I really should thank you. Now I can get rid of his lazy self for a while. Couldn’t even come first in the midterm results, he was turning out to be just like his father. That lazy bum.”

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