Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Snow's POV

I looked past him and saw Jeff.

"Who the hell are you?" My dad yelled.

"The name's Jeff Woods. I see you're hurting my Snow." He cocked his head. "Are you not?"

"I am disciplining her."

"That is no way to discipline a girl, Mr. Staton."

Why is he being so polite? Then I remembered something. My dad keeps a pistol on his belt at all times and will shoot if he has to. I twisted out of his grip and grabbed the pistol out of his belt loop.

"Sorry Daddy, I'm not your Snow-berry anymore." I shot him in the head.

"Whoa.." Jeff said and stared at the gun.

He stood back up. "You think you can kill me that easily?"

I stumbled back.

"Jeff, w-what's going on?" I yelled.

"Hell if I know!" He yelled back.

I was seriously regretting shooting him now.

"Get him now, Jeff!" I yelled and He lunged on my dad.

I closed my eyes and covered my ears. My only family member was dead. But, it was for a good reason. I opened my eyes and Jeff was in front of me. I hugged him.

"Thank you. You just saved my life."

"I couldn't just lose my Snow. I lost my mom, my dad, my friends, I almost lost Liu too. I can't lose you. I wouldn't know what to do if you were taken from me." I saw a spark of brown in his hair then, the tips of his hair turned brown.

"Jeff. Your hair. It's-It's-" He ran over to a mirror in the hall.

He grabbed his hair. "OK, what the hell?"

"OK, we need to get back to Slendy, fast. Something's going on, and I don't like it." I ran upstairs. I grabbed a backpack and packed my clothes. I grabbed a picture of my mom, my sketchbooks, my song book, and my acoustic guitar in its case. I put my backpack on and carried my guitar downstairs.

"Why do you have all of your stuff?"

"There's no use staying here. My dad's gone, my mom ran off years ago, I don't want to stay with the bitch on the couch."

"We'll have to see what Slendy thinks." We ran into the portal and arrived at some run-down city.

"Welcome to Horrisdale!" Jeff said excitedly. He walked in, and I followed. We went to the tallest building and walked inside.

"All of us are staying here?"

"No, Slendy and his proxies, Masky and Hoodie, stay here. Most of the building is destroyed except for 3 levels. Each one stays on a level." He ran up the stairs. After catching up, he went to the nearest door and knocked. The door opened and we walked in. Slendy was sitting at a table reading.

"Sup Slendy." I said and he looked up from his book.

"Snow, I didn't expect you to return."

"Well, almost getting killed can get a girl pretty spooked."

He gave me a weird look, and then glared at Jeff.


"He didn't do it. It was my dad. He almost killed me, and Jeff saved me."

"Well," He pulled out a piece of paper, “I’m guessing that Jeff was prepared. He got the only housing area in town that can easily support two people."

I gave him a weird look. He chuckled nervously.

"Wait before we leave-" I looked where Slendy was, but he was gone.

"Let's just head out, Mr. Bipolar Killer." I laughed and we walked back down the stairs. We started walking down a crushed up road.

"I saw you brought your guitar."

"It's my old acoustic one. My dad smashed my electric a few days ago when I wouldn't make food for us-well for them-to eat."

"For them?"

"I was only allowed to eat what was left, and they tried to eat as much of it as possible. I haven't had a stable meal in a few months. Mostly gristle and things off of bones. Just another reason I had the right to shoot the bastard." I kicked a rock.

"Well, that just won't do!" He yelled.

"Jeff, what are you up to now?" I heard Xena say.

"This girl," He pointed to me, “hasn’t had a proper meal in some months."

"Well, that DOES explain why she's surprisingly thin."


"You looked so different in the pictures Jeff has from when you guys were kids. Before he went 'insane’ and stuff.“ She put air-quotes when she said insane.

"Snow, you had brown hair and blue eyes in the picture. What happened?" Jeff asked.

"Well, I guess I should do it now." I put my finger in my eye and took out my red contact. I took out my other and unclipped my white hair extensions. I looked like I was still 10.  "It's still me, just the real me." I put my white knit cap on. "I'm back and better than ever!"

From A Broken Home (Originally A Heart That Is Healing) (JTK Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now