What the heart wants

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   I found my self frecrently thinking about the girl. About how her hair shined, how her lip stick always clashed perfectly with her eyes, but I mostly thought about how I hadnt gotten her name. I alwaysed cursed myself for that. I decided to ask one of my friends the next day.

   I meet up with sera in the hall right after our first class. "Hey sera you know the name to that girl that ran into me in the hall?"

  She shuddered as if the thought of her name either scared her or she just hated her that much. "Ya its Ellie." By the disgust in her voice, I guessed she hated her that much. She looked around the hall as if to make sure no one heard her.

  "Thanks for the info." I gave sera a quick hug and walked off. 

   Through the entire walk home her name repeated in my mind over and over as if a song. My heart sped up. I felt funny and I didn't like it. I was supposed to hate her. At least that's what I thought. But now every time I saw her I could feel the flush come to my cheeks. I couldn't stand the way she made me feel.

  "UGH!" I groaned. I looked up at my celling. Her face popped into my head and wouldn't leave. I put a pillow over my face to hide my blushing. I hated her or at least that's what I wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2017 ⏰

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