I Could Learn How To Love (Like You)

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The night was young and beautiful, the stars shining like a million, tiny lights in the dark sky. A soft breeze blew past, causing Greg's long, brown hair to dance in the wind as the young man strummed his guitar. He sat on the back of his van towards the edge, his attention focused on the chords of his instrument. He worked on a song that expressed his love for Rose Quartz: the mysterious alien woman who suddenly came crashing into his life like a comet. The alien woman who stole his heart. And now, he couldn't get her out of his head. She was always in there, no matter what he did. He wanted her. He needed her. Not just because she was beautiful, but because she was. . . Everything.

The two had been dating for the past two months, but it wasn't really anything serious; although, he wanted it to be. But would Rose really want to go that far down the road? He was just some human to her, after all. . . Right? Greg paused his strumming for a moment and sighed as he thought about this. Who was he kidding, he couldn't land a good, long relationship with a woman, especially if it was Rose. He had loved other women in the past, but it didn't really get very far. . . Or worked out very well. Once they found out he was basically a broke, poor loser, they were out of his van and out of his life faster than you could say "carabiner, carabiner!"

Marty told him that at least he got laid a few good times, but that guy was no help. Women weren't there for him to use and then move on when he was satisfied. Marty had no idea what love really was; all he cared about was money and women. But women are people too, and money is just paper. Greg didn't date those few women because he wanted to get laid, he dated them because he felt love for them. Real, genuine, love. But of course, a guy who had no job to really feed himself and tried to make money off of playing his guitar and singing songs caused those women to leave him in the cold rain and dust. Which he understood; he didn't blame them. He would probably leave himself too.

Greg stared up at the swath of glittering stars, lost in his thoughts. Silence took over the night. He sighed again, wondering if he should go visit Rose. Would he be intruding? Besides that, he didn't want to have to face Pearl again. She obviously detested him. Very much. He tried to make friends with her, but she didn't seem interested in doing so. He hadn't even done anything wrong. . . Had he? Shaking the thoughts from his head, the musician decided he would go and see Rose, Pearl or no Pearl. However, just as he was getting up to go, he saw a large, shadowy figure appear. Once it came into view, he recognized it as Rose Quartz. The Gem smiled at him, her beautiful, pink ringlets cascading over her shoulders like a soft waterfall. "Hello, Greg," she greeted the male human in that calm voice of hers. It sounded like honey that slowly flowed out of her perfect lips, sweet and smooth and. . . Amazing. Everything about her was amazing.
"Greg. . .?" Rose wondered curiously, eyebrow raised in confusion as Greg just continued to stare at her. He quickly snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head. "O-oh uh, sorry. Hi." he smiled sheepishly.

"Are you okay?" Rose asked, blinking her eyes, looking all to the world like an innocent puppy. It almost melted Greg's heart.
"Oh, yeah, I'm totally okay!" he reassured her.
"Then why were you staring at me for so long?"
"I, uh.... I..." Greg trailed off, blushing as he looked away, answering her question.
"I just think you're really beautiful, y'know?"
Suddenly, Rose broke out into giggles. Greg quickly looked at her, confused. "What? Did I say something funny?"
"No, it's just that. . ." Rose trailed off for a moment as she continued to giggle. Once she had calmed down, she continued, "you have already told me that I'm beautiful!"
"Yeah, but it doesn't hurt to keep reminding you." Greg grinned, snapping his fingers in her direction. Rose laughed before replying, "Oh, you are a riot, Mr. Universe. It's one of the reasons why I like you so much."
Greg felt his face burn up like an oven left turned on at her words.

"R-really.....?" Greg asked, as he stared up at the Gem.
"Yes. Really." she nodded, as she stared back at him. The two stood there for a moment, continuing to stare into each other's eyes. Finally, Greg decided to make a move—he slowly stepped towards her, his eyes never leaving hers. Rose watched, unmoving, eyes blinking in curiosity. Once he had reached her, Greg stood up on his toes, wrapping his arms around her waist. Rose leaned down towards him, her hair falling over his shoulders and back. He tensed up briefly, but not out of fear or nervousness. He closed his eyes as he leaned forwards and closed the gap between them, kissing her slowly and passionately.

I Could Learn How To Love (Like You): A Punk Rock Fanfic Where stories live. Discover now