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*This book is not inappropriate and has no intense sexual activity Incase you don't like those things*

My name is Embry Yaleson, and I am freaking out! No one saw this coming, the meteorite that crashed right in the middle of cony city was so unexpected, so unpredictable. I'm only 18 and I am trying really hard not to lose control of myself.

The meteorite caused crashes like I have never seen in our quaint little city in Ohio. I should know, I'm right in the middle of one. There were so many cars piled on top of each other.

I have never been this scared, I thought I was going to die. I am serious I saw people who were in their car bleeding, a lot and not moving an inch, I just pretended they were asleep but we all know that they aren't going to wake up anytime soon.

I wanted so badly to get out and rush them to the hospital but I couldn't even if I wanted to. My car was squished in between two huge RV's and my door was jammed. I look up and see my sun roof, I have a good idea. I slide it open and stand on the leather seats. I grip the sides of the sunroof and push myself up.

When I get on the roof of the car I quickly jump off. I land with a thud but there is too much noice for anyone to notice me. I feel a drop of moisture on my arm and I touch it "ow", I have a big scratch from when I had hit the brakes so hard to stop from hitting the car in front of me and I had scratched my right arm on the open window but that was the least of my worries.

I grab my phone out of my back pocket to call 911 but it's busted up because of the crash and It won't open. Plus I'm sure the police are already on their way here. Right? The RV drivers that recked my car have already ran off. Either because they didn't want to be charged for crushing my car so badly or because they were scared of the meteorite that is still in the pavement of the street about two blocks away. It is taking up about the amount of space that 2 houses would need. It's not huge but it's enough to block the street and sidewalks.

10 minutes later I am still waiting for the police to arrive. I'm growing more and more impatient by the second. I'm pacing back and forth. Everyone is still out of their cars arguing about who crashed who. Some people are talking on the phone urgently probably to family members and hopefully the police and most of the adults with children are trying to get their kids to stop crying.

Now my patience has officially run out but what am I supposed to do. Something in my mind clicks. My muscles tense and before I even realize it I start jogging towards the meteorite. It's like my body has a mind of it's own. I try to send my body signals to stop but it's, it's like I'm drawn to it. I breath heavily and then start panting, I am no longer in control of my legs. What is happening to me? Help!

I'm just a few feet away from the meteorite. Then my legs finally stop moving and I wipe off beads of sweat from my forehead with the back of my hand and wipe it on my jeans. I stare at the meteorite for a few seconds. When you see it up close it's like a big wall. It's black except for in the cracks it's bright blue and it's glowing.

There's something extraordinary about it, I can sense it. I reach out towards it slowly then my hand runs down it lightly and then, BOOM!! There's a huge blast that knocks me off my feet and into the air, the blast only goes about 20 feet away away from the meteorite. I don't know where I land but before I do I swear I see my hands glowing.


Thanks for reading. Tell me if you want me to continue, I take suggestions if you have any. This is my first book so please tell me if I'm doing something wrong and I don't want to write a book that no one will read so I will publish another chapter after at least 15 reads, I hope your having a great day so far😀😀😀. Thanks again for reading and don't forget to vote. I really appreciate it when you do.

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