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I open my eyes and squint. Everything is foggy, I see a few nurses with scrubs on, they look a little too young to be nurses but I forget my thought as my head starts throbbing, I try to sit up but I am too weak, my back hurts, my arms and legs hurt, everything hurts. The nurse puts a hand on my shoulder and says "It's ok, it's ok" in a soothing voice. Then she taps one of the other nurses and tells her "go tell the doctor that she woke up". The nurse quickly runs out of the room to inform the doctor, I guess.

I groan, where the hell am I. I can barely make out the cut on my arm, did they stitch the cut, I guess they did. I notice a few other injuries, a bruise on my leg, and I can feel a rip on my stomach under my plaid shirt. I reach for it, the nurse grabs my arm to stop me and she says "we're about to stitch that right up".

"What happened to me" I asked my voice coming out weaker than intended. The nurse creases her eyebrows "you really don't remember" she asks while scribbling furiously on a piece of paper. I'm too weak to wonder what she's writing about. "Am I at a hospital" is all I manage to ask even though it's pretty obvious that I am. The nurse nods her head. "You were found unconscious 8 blocks from the meteorite sighting". The memories come flooding back.

"What do you mean by sighting" I ask confused. "When to police arrived there was no meteorite and they said that all the crashes were caused by a few reckless drivers, when the witnesses spoke up they were called delusional by the public" the nurse explains to me. I use all my energy to tell her "no, it was real, I saw it, I felt it, I felt its energy" I mutter the rest "it's how I got here in the first place". The nurse gives me a concerned look, but she doesn't say anything, she just continues to scribble on the piece of paper that she has now transferred to a clipboard, I'm surprised that her pencil hasn't broken yet because of how hard she is pressing it against the piece of paper. She looks up occasionally, examining me but other than that she is silent.

My mom and dad rush into the hospital room, they probably just found out that I was awake. The nurse steps back so that she doesn't get trampled. My mom grabs me in a big hug and I wince because she is touching the rip on my stomach. "Oh, I am so sorry" she apologizes and kisses my forehead. Then my dad steps in and says "We're so glad you're okay", I know that he means it but I also know that later their going to scold me for not being careful enough. They give me a worried look and I give them a weak smile to let them know that I'm fine.

Then the doctor comes in and my parents talk to him for what felt like forever but couldn't have been more than 10 minutes, they say something about me being here overnight, and hospital bills, soon enough he's guiding my parents out of the room.

Once the door closes behind my parents what I assume is the doctor starts introducing himself "Hi my name is doctor Den, nice to meet you" he says in a friendly, cheerful voice. Doctor Den couldn't have been over his mid 30's, I notice a tattoo on his neck, it's of a meteorite, what doctor has a tattoo of a meteorite on their neck. It looks vaguely like the meteorite that I had seen. Im too sore to care though.

After a few minutes of doctor Den preparing something he finally says something to the nurse, I don't catch what he says but the nurse nods and leaves the room, maybe he asked for privacy, why would he need privacy, I'm getting scared. Then doctor Den says "this might hurt". He gives me a look that says a mix of I'm sorry and it'll all be over soon. "Wait..." I start to say until I feel a needle go into my left arm. I don't get much time to panic because I begin to feel drowsy and my eyelids start to fall.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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