Chapter 9

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Lydia's scream when it says she screams.

Lydia's POV

"Nogitsune .", says Stiles. Stiles and Nogitsune are staring at each other the only difference is Void has dark circles under his eyes and is wearing all black. I see Void getting ready to attack Stiles. 

"Stiles, watch out!", I scream. Right as I shout Void attacks Stiles. I struggle against the ropes around my wrists. Wait....I'm a werewolf. I concentrate and quickly break the ropes. I run after Void and Stiles. Stiles and Void are fighting by the river in wolf form. Suddenly, I feel this need to scream. So, I do. (Play Video)They stop fighting and turn into their human forms then Void goes down and starts twitching.  Bandages start coming out of his mouth and then Void collapses. The bandages start rising and take the form of Void. 

"Stiles?", says Void.

"Void?", asks Stiles. They hug.

"Lydia.", Stiles screams as the world goes dark.

Void's POV

Stiles has been saying I have been gone for 3 years. All I remember is going to mom's funeral and then it all goes black. I don't remember taking Lydia. Lydia, my beautiful mate. I can't believe I was so blessed to have a mate after everything that the darkness did. 

"Void?", asks Stiles.

"Yes, brother.", I reply looking up from staring at Lydia.

"I'm glad you're back.", he says. The door burst open and in comes our dad. 

"Stiles.", he says then he notices me, "What was so important that - Void?"

"Hello Father", I say. "I'm sorry."

"How are you here?", he asks.

"When it was mom's funeral this darkness, it took over. I didn't know what I was doing.", I explain on the brink of tears.

"I am glad you are back, son.", he says bringing me into a hug. 

"Stiles?", I hear my mates angelic voice.

I look towards her and her eyes met mine. I ask,"Lydia?"

"Void.", she says in a soft tone.

"I'm so sorry for what I did to you.", I say laying my head in her lap.

"It wasn't your fault.", she says patting my hair. 

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