Travis X Katelyn, AU

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In this world, Travis and Katelyn are really young and are best friends.

Travis's POV
Katelyn invited me over so we could help her dad make strawberry puffs. Mr. Erik helped us reach the ingredients and we all whisked them together to make the mixture for the puffs.

*Ring Ring*

Mr. Erik looked at his phone screen and told us, "Excuse me kids, I have to answer this. Be right back!" After saying that, he rushed out of the room.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" I turned over to look at Katelyn and shook my head no in response.

She pulled out her pointed finger and dipped it into the mixture and ate it. O smirked and dug my whole hand into the bowl.

Katelyn and I laughed evilly as we continuously ate.  Katelyn chuckled at my messy face.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" A loud voice boomed. We turned around in sync and Katelyn and I exchanged worried expressions. "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE BATTER?! IS THAT IT ON YOUR FACES?!" Mr. Erik yelled.

"Uh..maybe?" We both mumbled in unison. "You two go sit in the time out chairs while I make a new mixture," He commanded. We both nodded and ran over to the corner with the chairs.

Katelyn and I were silent the whole time until I got a sudden urge. I brought my hand closer to her's and held her hand. My face turned pink and I even saw some blush on her face as well. She interlocked her fingers with mine and we held hand, which gave me a tingling feeling. I whispered to her, "Hopefully your dad won't see this," She giggled and nodded in agreement.

Mr. Erik ended up forgiving us and we all made strawberry puffs! I spent the rest of the day at their house because Katelyn and I both got tummy aches from the delicious food.

This one is pretty bad, I know. I wanted to update though, but it's 12:16 am on a Monday night but I can't sleep so cut me some slack. Blah blah blah blah blah blah bye

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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