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A/N: This is an idea I've had rolling around for a loooong time, so
Be kind.
(I'm talking to you Jefferson)
Italics= lyrics
Plain text= story
All characters belong to me, song belongs to SVRcina

No time for rest

A girl ran through the woods, branches whipping at her face and tearing through her pink hair, her breath coming in sharp gasps as her feet pounded at the ground.

No pillow for my head

A rock the only thing upon which a head could rest, a bloodstained coat filled with stabs and slashes the only warmth to be had

Nowhere to run from this

A gun shot rang out in the wood, hitting her in the shoulder.

No way to forget

Night fell. The girl had narrowly escaped her pursuers, blood pouring from her shoulder, hip and shin, staining her clothes.
Sleep came slowly, and when it did so did the nightmares.

Around the shadows creep

Dark forms circled another girl. She had orange eyes that clearly reflected the fire burning in a ring around her still standing form, her brown hair blowing in a wind nonexistent in this plane of existence.

Like friends, they cover me

A cloak of darkness wrapped around her sun-kissed skin, protecting her mortal skin from the brunt of the flames.

Just wanna lay me down and finally
Try to get some sleep

A knife stabbed in to the girls stomach and she fell, the blood spilled as red as fire still burning.

We carry on through the storm

The snow whipped and whirled around the struggling forms of warriors marching to their doom.

Tired soldiers in this war

A few collapsing from exhaustion against the frozen ground

Remember what we're fighting for

A voice rang out through the wind and winters rain, possibly a cry to arms, possibly a call for help, or maybe even the enemy alerted to the position of the freezing warriors. It didn't matter really, as long as memories of warm fires, home cooked meals and the sounds of love and laughter stayed in the hearts of those who have left it all behind.

Even in death.

Meet me on the battlefield

A small figure crept across a silent camp, a cloak wrapped around their slight form, a wordless shadow under the moons pale light.

Even on the darkest night

Another figure stepped out of the forest where tree met plain. "You know we'll be killed if we're seen." The taller girl said, yet at the same time reaching out for the smallers hand. The smaller one pushed back their hood, smiling softly as they stood on their tippy toes, using their free hand to tug the other down for a kiss. "I don't care." they whispered into the kiss.

I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage

The sun hung high in the sky as war waged between two opposing factions, the bodies of the slain scattered across the sand. A short form flashed across the battlefield, great-sword felling all who were unfortunate enough to be in its path.

And you will be mine

Echos and the shots ring out

They fought side by side, a girl with an axe and short pink hair, and a boy with a red eye, the other covered by his long locks.

We may be the first to fall

A rapier in side that girl could not block and the boy couldn't avoid caused him to fall

Everything can stay the same or we could change it all

Standing proud at the head of the crowd, leading the charge in memory of those who are dead. Cutting out the work for the bards who write the songs to be sung for years to come.

Meet me on the battlefield

Lips met just as swords had mere hours ago as the adrenaline rush of the battle was turned to better uses

We're standing face-to-face
With our own human race

The two walked out in the middle of the battlefield, generals of both sides. They looked each other right in the eyes before brandishing weapons of war and killing to use against one another.

We commit the sins again and our sons and daughters pay

No side is pure. No killing is good. To take a life is too sin.
In war, no-one is right. All are in the wrong.

Our tainted history, is playing on repeat

Wars were fought upon these grounds ages ago. Blood stains and bones remain, a grim reminder of the wars fought in centuries past.

But we could change it if we stand up strong and take the lead

They stood in front of a thousand men and then some, rallying them with poetry and song. A true bard among warriors, singing songs sung by the heathen kings of old, despite the knowledge many would never see the light of a new day again.

When I was younger, I was named

A boy, thin as a willow and quaking like an aspen, his skin as pale as a birch and hair yellow as fall leaves and eyes of molten gold stood in village square, waiting for his name to be called. Dreading the moment.

A generation unafraid

Terrified. He was terrified as he stood, his knife brandished and rapier drawn, the scared eyes of the enemy haunting his dreams for years to come

For heirs to come, be brave

I guess, in a way, it takes a certain kind of courage to make an enemy a friend.

And meet me on the battlefield
Even on the darkest night
I will be your sword and shield, your camouflage
And you will be mine

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Oct 31, 2017 ⏰

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