Stay away! He's no good for you!

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I've heard this so many times a day.

"Don't go for him. He's a ladies man. He's a player. He'll just hurt you!"

I did not listen. I did not WANT to listen. I went for him that night, but was denied. Even he warned me against it. But I was like Frisk from Undertale. I had unbreakable determination. I was going to make him mine, no matter the cost.

Months passed. We talked every day. We flirted. A day never went by when I didn't say "I love you". He often said it back. I could tell I was softening his heart and helping him through things in his life. That made me happy. I got to see his smile brighten everyday.

How could someone with such an innocent smile be so bad? He was so sweet. He was so funny. He was...odd. But it was so cute. He was so cute. And eventually, he cracked. He became mine.

And I was his.

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