🌈minyu note🌈

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Serius minyu rasa down gila hari ni. Why korang tak comment eh?
Bukan nak lepas geram ke apa, but macam nak give up pun ada.

Tak best ke macam mana ff ni? Terus terang je. Nak unpublished sebenarnya but.. Dah nak ending so rugi lah pulak.

So, slow update from now. Im very lazy to update and not in the mood. So tengok dulu macam mana. If Minyu mood rajin,minyu akan update. If sebaliknya.. Nasib la. Suspen je lah kejap kan.

Makin lama, makin sikit vote n makin sikitla komen. Or should i say tadak langsung.

Sorry for make u feel annoyed with my attitude. I didnt mean it.

Im okay 🐹

Im okay 🐹

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