Chapter 1

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Connor's P.O.V

" Can I get a pumpkin spice latte? " I asked the oddly active Starbucks guy.
I smiled at him will admiring his eyes and cute smile.
He opened his mouth to talk and he said "sure think cutie. " adding a wink at the end of it.
"What's your name? " he asked.
"Conner." I smiled at him.
(She use that name cause doesn't like her first name.)
He wrote is down and walking into the back.
I walked off to the waiting area and sat down waiting for my name to be called.
" Connor? " A girl yelled.
I looked around for the cute guy. It couldn't find him.
I take the coffee from her and walked of Starbucks.
I got into my car and looked at my cup.
It's said call me;) from Adym. I caught myself smiling.
I pulled away, on my way to my apartment with that smile stuck on my face.


Adym's P.O.V

I waited for my older brother sawyer to come pick me up from a 5 hour shift.
His black ranger rover pulled up.
i hopped in and he pulled away.
" what's good? " He asked.
" it's was a pretty long day, I saw this really hot girl today. " I told him.
"What's her name? " he said.
"Connor. " I said.
" did you get her number bro? " he asked.
" nope i but I gave her mine. " I said with a smile.
"Sweet bro. " he said pulling away.
Skip to when they get into the apartment.
Sawyer and I just finished recording up drunk Q&A video.
I was buzzed. I wasn't full on hammered but I was feeling it.
" Bro let's watch some funny vines. " sawyer says.
Us being drunk idiots we were,  we turned up the t.v as loud it could go.
After half an hour of watch them we got a knock on our door.
I got and tried my best to walk start to the door and not to come off drunk when I answered it.
" Um hi I'm from down the hall can you guys be quit, My little sister is studying for a test tomorrow and it's to loud. " he says.
Sawyer gets up and walked over to the door.
He wasn't drunk anymore.
" sure dude. " I say.
" alright thanks. " he replies.
Before I could shut the door sawyer stops me and says.
" Hey ain't you Taylor Caniff, You one of the original members of magcon?" he say to the guys who was at the door.
Taylor Caniff? Who is that?
" Yeah and, your muhdays? You make YouTube videos were you prank your brother Adym " Taylor said.
He looked at me when he said Adym. I just smiles.
Sawyer walks into the hall way and starts talking to him
I walk back inside and turned down the t.v and conuties to watch what was on.

Hey guys, I'm Taleatha but you can call me Tal. I hope you like this book. Don't forget to vote and follow me, I'll follow you back😊 I hope you had it having a great day💞.
- Tal🍍

The Starbucks Guy.( Itsriccotho/AdymYorba/Lastman.)Where stories live. Discover now