Black Hat and Flug

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Flug was skittish for several reasons. Reason number one being his boss, Black Hat, who was determined to destroy the human race, which was (coincidentally) Flug's race. It wasn't Black Hat's fault he was a demon, and it just so happened that a burning hatred of the human race came with his unholy powers.

It's not like Flug was complaining, he was alive wasn't he? But life... could be better. However, there was nothing he could do about it. He sat in his lab, working diligently on a blueprint of his. He yawned, having not slept in three weeks. Insomnia was a bitch. So was his boss.

His coffee cup was drained, so he was working on the last bit of energy he had in his soul. There wasn't much. The blueprint was near completion, just a few notes from Black Hat and they'd be done. He gathered up his plan, nearly blacking out from standing up so fast. He carried the papers gently out of his lab, reaching his boss's office faster than he was ready for. In his sleepy state, he didn't completely process thought as good as he normally would. He neglected to knock, and went inside. He opened his mouth to speak, but all that came out was a surprised squeak.

Black Hat's black overcoat had gone missing, and he's was left in his vest and undershirt. His pants were undone, revealing his dick, being stroked by a now gloveless hand. Flug had caught Black Hat touching himself.

Black Hat raised any eyebrow at the scientist's sudden presence. Flug stood there, blushing like a madman. Black Hat was wondering what the scientist would do next, but he seemed to be standing still, frozen in fear. Black Hat began to continue stroking his member, staring Flug dead in the eyes. That's when Flug decided to speak up.

"I-I-I'm s-s-so s-sorry s-sir!! I-I I didn't m-mean to- I j-just w-wanted t-to- y-you're so- I-I-I mean- oh dear- o-oh d-d-dear dear-"

Black Hat snarled quietly. Flug's stuttering was getting quite annoying. He looked down, seeing he was still hard. Black Hat, being a business man, was always eager to take advantage of situations. And this one was ripe with opportunities.

Black Hat looked behind Flug, seeing a tentacle of his reach out towards the door and slam it shut. Flug's twittering was stopped by a startled squeak, and he looked behind him. He realized the sudden danger he was in, and without a second thought made a dash for the door. He tried the knob, but it was locked, and Flug went white.

The same tentacle that had shut the door wrapped itself around the scientist's waist, causing him to gasp and blush. It was so slippery and slimy, it was uncomfortable... Flug was suddenly jerked back towards the demon, gasping again as his boss grinned at him maliciously.

"So, Flug" He spoke the human's name with such malice, Flug shivered in fear. "you like to spy on people, hm?"

"N-n-no s-sir! I-I-I just f-forgot t-to-" Flug was interrupted by a sharp claw being pressed against his throat.

"Are you arguing with me?" the demon growled.

"N-n-no! I-I-I mean y-yes, I-I mean- u-um-"

Black Hat chuckled at Flug's anxiousness. How pathetic. He pulled the scientist down and his snake-like tongue slithered out of his mouth. It licked the outside of Flug's lips, making the poor little man immediately stop talking. Black Hat connected their lips, greedily exploring Flug's mouth. Flug could only try to pull away from the demon, to no avail.

Black Hat pushed the scientist away from his face, panting softly. It was only just now that Flug noticed Black Hat's dick was still hard. He attempted to push away, but the tentacle tightened around his middle, making him flinch instead. Black Hat grinned as he slid his claws under the scientist's shirt, feeling his skin, surprisingly warm. Flug shivered, because unlike himself, his boss's hands were very cold. Black Hat felt his way up to Flug's chest, teasing a nipple with his claws. Flug gasped, speaking up.

"S-sir! P-please don't..."

"Since when do I have to listen to you?" the demon asked mockingly.

He suddenly used his claws to tear Flug's shirt down the middle. Before Flug could process the sudden chill, his back was on his boss's desk, and the demon himself was over top of him. Flug tried to squirm away, but Black Hat had him tightly pinned down.

He leaned down, close to Flug's scrawny little neck. Flug's breath rapidly increased, and Black Hat loved every second of it. He suddenly sunk his razor sharp teeth into the tender flesh, and the scientist cried out in pain. Blood immediately oozed from the wound, and Black Hat enjoyed the taste of iron.

Flug struggled harder, the pain stinging like a thousand wasps. Black Hat began biting all along Flug's neck and right shoulder, Flug biting back tears. Black Hat pulled away minutes later, blood staining his green teeth. Flug was gasping for breath, on the verge of a panic attack. He didn't notice Black Hat slowly pulling down his jeans and boxers until he felt the villain's cold breath on his thighs.

Flug gasped at the sensation, squirming once more, and his resistance was getting on Black Hat's nerves. The demon suddenly raked his claws down the scientist's back, making deep, bleeding marks. Flug cried out again, and concluded that there was nothing he could do to stop this.

God, why didn't I just knock?! Flug thought to himself, as the demon continued traveling over Flug's thighs, occasionally nipping at the tender meat. Flug was just so fragile, Black Hat felt like he could kill him if he wasn't careful enough.

He noticed how Flug's dick was getting harder at his more gentle touches. Black Hat wasn't about to treat this miserable creature with mercy, oh no. So Flug wouldn't see this continued for much longer.

Just to tease, Black Hat licked Flug's tip, and the scientist jolted at the touch. Black Hat came back to the scientist's chest, grinning at his terrified (yet secretly anticipating) expression. He wasn't about to wait much longer. Without warning, Black Hat thrust into the poor scientist. Flug tried to cry out, but Black Hat silenced him by kissing him. Flug continued to whimper and whine, feeling the pain of Black Hat beginning to move.

"S-sir please-!!" Flug was stopped by a tentacle being forcefully shoved up his bag and into his mouth. He nearly choked on it, breathing through his nose heavily. He felt Black Hat move again, not holding back. Flug tried to beg and plead, but the slimy appendage blocked the sound from coming out. Black Hat didn't care, why would he? He was only doing this because Flug had dared enter his office without permission. This wasn't meant to be enjoyable, just a punishment.

So the demon quickened his pace, careful not to make any noise. Flug was unable to hold back tears now, and he just let them slide down his cheeks. He just prayed his boss wouldn't look under his bag. Black Hat felt a pooling feeling in his stomach, something he wasn't entirely accustomed to. It urged him to go faster, and so he did, making Flug jerk roughly up and down. He felt Black Hat's dick hit his prostate, and moaned loudly.

He was still in a great deal of pain, but it was beginning to subside. It was actually... kind of good. Flug's eyes began to relax, and he sucked on the tentacle in his mouth. The sensation caught Black Hat's attention. He grinned, looking at Flug's face.

"So you're starting to like this, hm?" he purred. Flug only made a muffled response, the vibrations setting off lightning in Black Hat's brain. Flug continued to suck on the appendage, moaning from Black Hat's movements. Black Hat suddenly dug his teeth back into Flug's neck and Flug jolted. He groaned in pain, as Black Hat tightened his grip. The demon gasped shortly, feeling himself cum inside of the human under him.

Flug moaned at the feeling, which he began to like. Black Hat pulled out of Flug, panting hard. He leaned down and subconsciously licked the wounds he left on Flug's shoulder. Flug whimpered at the sting. Black Hat pulled away grinning at the scientist. Flug started to get up, wondering where Black Hat had thrown his pants. He was suddenly grabbed by his waist, making him blush immensely.

"And just where are you going?" Black Hat cooed. "I'm not done with you yet~".

To be continued

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