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    © 2017, Sam
I would like to dedicate this book to my my most special humans, who stood by me in my most darkest times. And to all those who believe that there's a happy land far, far away.

"The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, and weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't."
- Christopher paolini

An aqua blue haze moved through the water, flashing like lightning. The little boy's lungs were filling in with water, like a waterfall flowing into a small pond. His movements became laboured and his body went limp. The energy to keep swimming left him abruptly as his consciousness wavered into the dark empty chasm of the deep blue sea.

The cruel reminder of the painful memories was etched on the handsome face of the boy, sitting at one of the many seats at the outdoor court of the one eighty cafe. His fingers were curled, and rested on his proportional and muscled thighs. His body was tense with anxiety. he looked up as the cafe sign flickered, and then he noticed the boy walking towards him. The beautiful "boy in blue" as he likes to call in his head, that had his heart confused to no limits, walked into the cafe to get his regular morning coffee.
        The petite tall boy wore a midnight blue hoodie, a Slim fit jeans which had a patterns like sea foam which faded from colors dark blue to light going in the direction of his foot . He had purplish teal locks of hair pouring onto his shoulders, within dark brown hair which fell like silky satin against his olive pale skin. The boy came back out holding two cups as soon as he went in, and vanished into the fog before he could even say "coffee".
              His shoulders dropped in disappointment. He slammed himself back into the chair when a voice made him gasp " you don't have to look so disappointed you know."
Elijah Smith nearly fell from the chair he was sitting In, when the voice behind him spoke. He fixed himself up and looked to see those beautiful big orb like blue eyes he saw everyday and loved, looking back at him.

            "You do realize you are staring at me as a cat does to its meat right?." The boy smiled at Elijah. Startled from what he had just said, Elijah replied. "Sorry I just umm thought you were very cute."The heat which crept Onto the boy's face bloomed like a pink rose on his cheeks.
         "You know if your gonna hit on someone u should be at least be a little bit subtle about it, if it was someone else they might have smacked you by now." He chuckled, his laugh was so brightening and so alluring to Elijah."I'm Aero Desjardins and your Elijah Calder right?." Elijah lips creased into a smile before realizing what was wrong in that sentence. Firstly How did he know his name, and secondly his last names not Calder.
"How do you know my name? And Calder isn't my last name." Aero smirked. "Well I know things, it's a talent. As for your last name I'm surprised you don't know." A twinge of annoyance crossed Elijah's mind. How does he know anything about him,why is he acting like he knows everything. "I see you're confused,well that's OK." He said with that same smirk on his face.

        "On the same note your last name should be blue. Why do you like it so much, you colored your hair, you always wear blue." Elijah mentally smacked himself on the face for slipping up again. "Soooo how long have you been watching me stalker." He gave a small giggle "just kidding, by the way when did I ever say I colored my hair? And I wear blue because because its very me, don't you think?." Elijah felt so confused taking to Aero. His nonchalant smirky self was a little more than he expected, as opposed to how he thought the innocent looking boy who comes to get his morning coffee everyday would act, if he ever had the courage to talk to him.

"You know? Talking to you is like talking to the Cheshire cat, you don't make a lick of sense, no offense. Perhaps you're a little crazy." Elijah teased giving Aero a heart winning smile. " Well at least I know someone's watching Alice in wonderland." He smirked yet again as Elijah's playful expression turned into embarrassment. "And I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours." He gave a very knowing look to Elijah." Here's your coffee I noticed you didn't order one. At least if you're gonna stalk me get a coffee than freezing your butt out here, bye." Turning around Aero walked away giving one last ravaging glance, he turned the corner and vanished into the thick fog.

Hi you guys, hope you enjoyed the first chapter of this book. I didn't wanna make it that long, because it's the introduction and all. But it's gonna get more lengthy in the ones to come. I will update as soon as I can, please vote and comment so I can improve as well.
au revoir
sam ʕ•ﻌ•ʔ

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