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TITLE: Realize

AUTHOR: fallenbabybubu

WHAT: Teen Pop Fiction

PLOT: Everything in Maxine Ferguson's life changed after her parents had divorced: the move to New York, down to her suddenly luxurious lifestyle at her new posh school, Sky International Academy. Life would have been perfect if only she could fit in with the help of her next-door neighbor, Todd Samuels, the son of her mother's best friend. Todd is a typical New Yorker, street-smart, impatient, witty and arrogant. Maxine can't stand his callous ways, but it looks like she just has to if she wants to keep playing in his band, the Sky Deviants. But as egotistical as Todd might be, Maxine can't deny the fact that he's also the cutest boy she's ever seen, and the chemistry between them is electrifying, on the stage and off it. But that's the question: is the chemistry between them just part of their act or is it a manifestation of something that has nothing to do with their performance?

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