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"Dean i'm going to make some food, is that fine" Cas looked at Dean smiling getting up.

"I'm not hungry, buy you go ahead". He nuzzled into him more, eye closed. The words just tumbled out of hid mouth. "I love you..."

Cas smiled and went to the kicthen, he made some food and some pie for Dean, Cas knew Dean would never say no to pie. "Dean i made some pie, would you like some" Cas asked, he put the food on the table. He looked  at dean.

Dean sat up, blushing as he nodded. "S-sure".

"here you go" Cas hands him some

He was able to eat about half of small slice, putting it down and bracing himself against the oncoming wave of nausta. When ever he ate after starving, on purpose or accidental, after a long time, he'd feel sick.

"You got pie on your face" Cas giggle looking at Dean, trying tobeat pp&j.

He offered a half smile, wiping his face, "You're....You're the  best."

"Thanks" Cas smiled.

He smiled up at Cas, warm eyes. He was definitely in love, but was scared to say it. He stood up, Wrapping hus thin arms around Castiel and pulling him close. "Thank you for back to me".

"I'm glad I did, I have miss you. Sorry I left" He hugged back.

Dean pulled him closer, glancing at the angel's lips. He held onto to him for a bit longer then he would.

Cas was glancing at Dean's lips.

Dean leaned forward, kissing him lightly. He still held onto him, gently cupping the angel's cheek.

Cas smiled, kissing back.

He didn't pull away for a while, but when he did, he kept close to Cas. "I love you..."

"I love you too" Cas smiled looking at Dean, he kissed him again. "You showered in a while, you should get clean up".

"Yea I agree I haven't showered in awhile" Dean smiled and went to the Bathroom to clean up.

Cas clean up the table, waiting for Dean to come back.

You're Hurt (destiel FanFic)Where stories live. Discover now