Chapter 3

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"Yes. The sea woke me up. I had this dream where someone was calling out to me. I was on a boat, so I looked around to find the voice. There, in the sea, was... someone, a man. I couldn't see his face, but it had to be someone I knew because his voice sounded familiar..." Shun'e recounted as she slowly began walking towards the edge of the cliff.

Her face looked pensive and she continued, "His voice was filled with sorrow and heartbreak. I could hear him crying for me. The boat began to move towards him. Once the boat reached him, his hand was the only thing above water. I grab it and tried to drag him out of the water, but I was too weak to do so. His hand slipped out of mine and disappeared. The last sound I heard was a bell tinkling; I soon began to cry because I couldn't help him in time. Then, the waves crashed onto the cliff side and that's when I woke up." She stood on the cliff and moonlight framed her figure.
"Kai, are you alright? You look pale," questioned Yoru. Once he said that the remaining members turned toward Kai, who was indeed pale and glassy-eyed.

"Kai...Kai..."Rui repeated as he tugged on Kai's sleeve.

Shun frowned before whispering in Kai's ear, "Kai, are you really okay?".

As if woken from a dream, Kai blinked and smiled a strained smile. His complexion slowly regaining color, but he was still looked pale. "I'm fine...just continue the tale." he stammered.
"Lady Shun'e, if you feel troubled, don't be afraid to talk to me. I'm just a call away." Yayoi-chan declared as she began to drag Shun'e away from the cliff.

"Fufufu~ arigato ne Yayoi-chan." whispered Shun'e as they both walked back towards their tent. "But do you know who would be the best person to talk to~?" she giggled as her smile began to return.

"Oh no..."

"L-O-V-E, Haji Love!"
"Oh no..."

"L-O-V-E, Hajime Love!!!"

"Shun, why are you doing this?"

"Not so loud, Shun-san. There are other people nearby celebrating Tsukimi. Let's not disturb them."

"Fufufu~ Don't worry Aoi~."

"Maybe I should take away his sake."

"Ah, Hajime~, how mean of you..."

"Just continue."
"Lady Shun'e, perhaps it would be best for you to return to your tent." Yayoi chan stated as a figure slowly emerged from the largest tent on the grounds and started walking towards the pair.

"Ah, Yayoi-chan~ Let me chant my everlasting love for Emperor Haji~." Shun'e pouted.

"Lady Shun'e, please heed Empress Yu's advice. The Emperor is still sleeping. I still have to wake him up and I have to get you ready for the day." Yayoi begged as she attempted to gently push Shun'e into her tent.

"Shun'e, Yayoi, what are you two doing?" inquired a tall, fair skinned, well built young man with a black waist-length ponytail and purple eyes. He was wearing a mianfu; the upper garment was black with orange dragon accents and purple butterfly embroidery, the lower garment was a violet color. He held a commanding presence; even without the Emperor's full garb, he still retained the elegance and charisma of an Emperor.
"Sugoi, Hajime's character kakoii."

"Woah, Haji's presence is giving me the shivers."

"Ara, Hajime are you smiling?"

"Owww. Hajime, you're going to break my glasses."

"Hajime, please don't break Haru's true form."

"...Shun, continue."
"Emperor Haji..." breathed Yayoi as she bowed before him. Shun'e, on the other hand,...

"Good morning~, Haji~!" Shun'e cooed as she wrapped herself around Haji's arm.

Emperor Haji barely glanced at the white hair companion at his side before stating "Yayoi, lift your head."

Yayoi did she was told and sweatdropped at the scene in front of her: Emperor Haji was staring at her while Shun'e, still attached to Haji's arm, was pouting and attempting to divert his attention towards her instead of Yayoi.

"Emperor Haji, this's unusual. You were already awake?"




"Don't tell me you didn't sleep? I thought you'd been staying up recently, but..." Yayoi worried.


"I was thinking about something."


"Emperor Haji, is something..." as Yayoi questioned the emperor, his face contorted in panic and vulnerability. "Never mind, would you mind detaching Lady Shun'e off your arm."

"No." Haji bluntly stated as he quickly removed Shun'e from his arm. "Yayoi, please have Shun'e get dressed. It's almost time." With that as his final words, he retreated back to his tent.

"Haji~ Haji~ Say something to me!" Shun'e whined and pouted as Haji continued to walk. As a last resort, she cried "Haji~ The moon is beautiful today!"

Haji stopped at his tent's flaps and gave Shun'e a mischievous smirk, "Yeah. The moon is beautiful today and always~, Shun'e."

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