Chapter 4

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Shun'e's tent

"Ne, Lady Shun'e, may I ask you a question?" Yayoi inquired as she tied a blue zhongyi around Shun'e's body.

"Nani, Yayoi-chan?" Shun'e replied back.

"How come you don't wear the colors of Emperor Haji's court?" Yayoi questioned as she began to place a white quju decorated with blue butterflies over the zhongyi.

"Fufufu~ Yayoi-chan, that's a question for Haji, not me," Shun'e said as she places her fingers gingerly on the black collar on her neck and gave Yayoi a meaningful smile.

"...If you say so, Lady Shun'e." Yayoi obeyed as she tied a blue sash with silver/gray snowflakes around Shun'e. She later took Shun'e by the hand and led her to a chair in front of a vanity.

"Yayoi-chan, can you do me a favor?" Shun'e asked as Yayoi began to brush the white cascade of hair.

"What would you like me to do, Lady Shun'e?"

"Give these to Haji."

With that said, Shun'e held a section of hair from the right front side of her head with her right hand. In her left hand was a shard of ice.

"Lady Shun'e! What are you doing?! Wait, is that ice in your hand?!" Yayoi gasped as the left hand came down swiftly on the section of hair. Now, the front side of Shun'e's hair was longer on the left than on the right.

"Like I said, Yayoi-chan. Give these to Haji or tie the strands around each of his arrows."

"Lady Shun'e, why? Why did you do that?"

"How would a mortal instrument defeat an immortal, without a little intervention~?"


"Yayoi-chan, give these to Haji or tie these around the arrows that he will be using," Shun'e commanded. Her tone held a power that was equal to Emperor Haji's tone when he spoke; not even Empress Yu would speak in such a tone.
"Ne, Shun."


"Why can't you sound like that?"


"Why do I have a bad feeling about this?"

(In a demonic voice) "Kneel."


"Oh, let me try."

"Ara, Kai~. You can try if you want to."

(In a sea demon's voice) "KNEEL."




"...Ikkun, what are Kai and Shun doing?"

"...Just ignore those two..."
"As you wish, Lady Shun'e." Yayoi said submissively and bowed before exiting Shun'e's tent to head towards Emperor Haji's tent.
"Haru, why can't you be like that?"

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