Chapter 14

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As the soldiers approach, I start thinking. I burn the first row of them.

"Can't you do something else besides burn them, Es?" Andrew asks me. He's either wind sweeping them away, suffocating others with water, or soaking them to the point that they can't get up. I'm the only one who burns them. "Why?" I ask, taking up my bow and arrows and start aiming. "Well, I think it's a bit much. For a sweet loving girl, you sure are showing a lot of hard soul. Guess this is your dark side." Isis replies shooting some. "Hey, we're in war. No time for sweetie sweeties." I reply taking down two soldiers. I'm not an expert with weapons, but I'm not an amateur either.

"I hope Meral's alright. I know nothing's happening there, but I still want her safe." I say. "We all want Meral, Ruby, King and Sasha to be safe. They're not just pets, they're friends."Andrew says stabbing a soldier in the chest. The soldiers had already reached us.

Ida was moving her body around causing many soldiers to fall and some get crushed under her while others fly away.

Actually, that's what happened to all soldiers who try to take down a dragon. We're winning. Thing is, the dragons are getting tired. We need a break. Ida blew fire into a group of soldiers and they all fall, burning.

After hours of slicing, stabbing, punching, kicking, thinking, aiming and hurting, Awry's army retreats back to wherever.

"Awry has a big army." Andrew says whistling. "Yeah. And that's just for Dragon Lair. How much more the army at Giant's Keep?" I says. "And another funny thing. None of us are hurt." Andrew says to Isis. "Well, you fought hard. And you're talented. Regular weapon skilled soldiers can't harm you if they have to always wait for a target up close." Isis says. "Did you notice how none of them are archers? That's why we can defeat them easily. they need to get closer to hurt someone. And before they get close enough, they die." She adds.

A fairy flies towards us with a panicked look on her face. She slows down and finally collapses on the ground. "The fairy realm-" she starts. "Attacked." She says before becoming unconscious. We turn her over so she lies on her back and we see scars and wounds on her arms and legs.

"We're having more company." I say looking at the burned forest. "Get her inside." Isis says to us. "We need to prepare." "Ida? Please tell all dragons to rest now. We're gonna have another fight soon. Maybe a much harder one. A fairy came and she's hurt. Someone or some people must have followed her." Isis instructs. Ida nods and calls out to the other dragons. They all fall down on the ground and start resting.

We bring the fairy into the cave and watch Isis turn into a bird and fly off into the forest. I sure hope it's only a spy or two and not an army sending off scouts to hurt this fairy. If it's another army coming here, and another army's at the fairy's realm, we're really doomed.

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