Chapter 2: On our way to Hogwarts

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[AN: Well, I've uploaded the next chapter! Bah, quite obvious, isn't it? ;) Well, I've rated the story, and it's now PG13 because in some chapters some things will get serious. Not now, as it is just like an introduction to the story, but once I've just introduced you all the few new characters I've made up and the ones created by our queen JK Rowling that are going to appear by now. Oh! The chapters won't be too long, but I'll upload a new one at least once a week. Ok, so  think I should let you start with the chapter! Don't forget, vote or/and comment! :) (xoxo... Gossip Girl) ]

I got the baggage to the train, and this year it didn't take as much effort as it had taken years before. I felt I was a grown up now. Both physicaly and mentally. Probably it was because I had been training the whole summer for Quidditch but.. I had always done that. But yeah, I could feel my muscles more...strong. 

I started looking for an empty cabin, but even thought I had been of the first to enter the train, the most of them were already taken. Luckily, they were only the ones next to the doors, since there were lots without people in there.

So I entered one of the first I found, leaving space between my cabin and the ones that the first years had already taken and that filled with all of the noise they were making.

I wasn't expecting anybody to sit with me, and I didn't wanted to have anyone to sit with me, so I placed my bags over one of the seats, and I laid down on the other one, taking my shoes off and backing my back against the wall, next to the window. I took my wand and started playing with it, without doing anything, just trying to pass the time until the train left. 

I looked at the students through the door, of which I had halfly closed the curtains to, wondering who would be my 'fantastic' classmates that year. 

Mr.Nobody, Bignose, Dirtyteeth, who's that, who's that, uhm she's hot, who's that... Granger looked at me half surprised of seeing me there and half... were her eyes filled with pity?  She had stopped for a couple of seconds as I hold the gaze, but somebody pushed her softly from the back... My surprise was that neither Potter or Weasley were going with her, but instead there was the little Red-haired. Ginny? Yeah. Blonde, first year, another from the first or second year... Anyway, lots and lots of people. Hermione got me thinking about the look on his eyes when he saw me. I knew I shouldn't have to worry about muggle-kids, but I was intrigued. 

After getting rid of some kids that were looking for a cabin and as soon as the train started moving I took a book of my bags. That summer I had started reading a lot, as It helped me forgetting my problems. 

I don't know how long she had been there, but when I opened my eyes I saw Professor McGonagall next to me.

'Malfoy,haven't you slept for weeks? C'mon, you should come with me, we have the prefects meeting, and if you hadn't been late, by now we'd  have nearly finished.'

I put my book on the bag, and I started following her. I was a prefect, just like everybody had imagined. The problem is that I didn't know who the other prefect was. There had been rumours, but I moslty didn't believe them. Although a lot said it would be the 'lovely' Granger. Et voilà! As soon as I entered the prefects cabin she was stood there, looking at me as if I was the foolish of the school. 

'Granger, what's going on? Is this face forever? I bet it's because of snogging Weasel. I would also think of it as a disgusting thing, you know?'

But when as soon as she was going to reply, McGonagall made us sit down. All of us. We were like...  too many to count. The same of every year, I guessed. He had to tell us about our obligations and tasks. She also gave us a book we had to read with all the rules we had to follow and that we had to made the other students follow too. It was quite fast, and the same of every year. Then, after not more than 30 minutes us all to return to our compartments. Well, everyone except of me and Granger. Of course, we were the Head-girl and Head-boy. Professor McGonagall then made us know about our own rules. They wouldn't be that difficult, as we had also been doing most of them, but some were new. Oh, and of course there was this new thing. The room me and Granger had to share. 

We looked at each other faces for not even a second. We knew it wasn't going to be the best year ever. 

With that, McGonagall let us return to our own cabins too, so we started walking, but as soon as we were both outside, she stoppeed me.

'Ok, it's not a good idea to make us live in the same room, but I think that we should at least try to... not too fight. Just... keep calm, ok? We can pretend that the other doesn't exist. I won't bother you, so you don't bother me, and we are both happy, is that ok?'

'Yeah, sure...'I said as I started walking to my cabin. I had to change my clothes, as we were going to arrive soon. I said bye to her with my hand and without looking back at her, so I made my way to my cabin. 

What a year it was going to be. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2012 ⏰

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