Tattoos And Coffee Shops Mortal/Soulmate AU

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In this AU whatever tattoo (temporary or otherwise) you get will appear on your soulmate. It has become a custom to get one tattoo in a noticeable place as soon as you become an adult. (You can get one tattoo when you turn eighteen anywhere for free! If it is something complex there will be an add on price.)

Nico stared down at the words forming onto his wrist. Glenn. Beth. Jessie. Lori. Hershel. Sophia. Sam. Abraham. Names. They were all names. Hundreds of them tattooed up and down his arms. There wasn't a spot that was blank on either arm. He wondered what all the names meant. Maybe favorite book characters? Maybe his soulmate had a large family? Someday Nico would find out. He put on his jacket and got all bundled up to go out in the snow. As soon as he opened the door a squeak- human squeak was heard.

"Oops! Sorry!" A man said.

Nico cocked his head.

The other man held out his hand. "Will. I'm Will Solace. What's your name."

"Nico di Angelo." He cautiously shook the man's hand. Nico was a cautions man at his age of 23. He didn't have any social media accounts. The only people that had his phone number where his sister, Hazel, her boyfriend, Frank, and a friend named Jason Grace. Heck, Nico never even introduced himself to anyone unless he had to. So why was he talking to this strange blond-blue-eyed-freckled cutie? No idea.

"Let me buy you a coffee to make up for the one I spilt, 'kay?" Will took Nico's hand and dragged him back into the coffee shop.

This particular coffee shop was called Titan Coffee. It was run by a cute couple. They had known Nico since he was a teenager and still unsure what life had in store for him. Now he was an art student at Athena University, named after the Greek goddess of wisdom. The couple, Eren and Levi, had both graduated from AU about fourteen years ago. They owned the coffee shop sort of like a side job but more like a hobby. Now they gave Nico free coffee so why not study there? Besides it had nice bean bag chairs in one corner right by the window, outlets, and the heating. It was Nico's spot.

Will had gone and bought Nico and himself each a coffee.

"Thanks," Nico mumbled.

He swung his jacket off revealing his slum arms to all around him as he sat down in his beanbag chair, Will sitting beside him. They both went on their phones- Nico reading through Amazon Kindle and Will playing Bubble Witch 3 Saga. After a while the heater started warming Will up so he took off his sweatshirt and folded it neatly to the side. It took him a while before Nico noticed the tattoos. His eyes widened. He grabbed Wills arm suddenly.

Will looked up. "Whoa, dude. If you didn't want me to-"

"No you idiot! Look at our arms!"

Nico held his arm out next to Will's revealing the tattoos. Fred. James. Lily. Remus. Nymphadora. Alastor. Colin. Regulus. The names all matched up.

"You- Will Solace- are my soulmate and I am your soulmate."

To be continued?

From Will's POV?

Explain the names!!
If you pay attention you could figure out the meaning behind the names. I will tell you this much: Will is 28 and a doctor. Try and guess what the names mean. If you manage, you get a prize!! If you guess right then you get a celebratory handshake. *Holds had out*

Did you catch all three mini crossovers? Tell meh!!

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