The crazy man( I remembered another dream where I die

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I don't remember how the dream started but the crazy man must have kidnapped me and a lot of other people, kids teens and adults. I remember the police came and before they attempted to kill the crazy guy, the crazy man set a bomb off.

Every one started to run on the dirt trail through the maze of abandoned cargo boxes. We made it to a tall fence and dozens of people started to climb up it at once, my sister and step sister made it over, only a few of us were left on the opposite side of the fence. Keep in mind there were at least a hundred people. I along with the last few started to climb, and just as I made it to the middle of the chain link fence electricity surged through it, killing us who remained on the fence but charming those on the free side or the unsafe side. 

I remember that all the people who made it to the safe side of the fence had survived but I don't know what happened after. (I never wrote down this dream basically all dreams I type on here I write based off of memory, so it's not very detailed, but I have started to write my dreams down but I won't type those until all of the dreams on here are typed first...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2018 ⏰

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