🎃 Pumpkin Patch

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Quinn Fabray-Puckerman loved Fall

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Quinn Fabray-Puckerman loved Fall.

It wasn't because it was when the kids returned to school.

It one hundred percent wasn't that she liked the chill.

It wasn't that she loved Thanksgiving.

She most certainly didn't like seeing Christmas decorations in October either.

And no, it wasn't because Fall was when the pumpkin spice lattes returned to Starbucks, though that was a plus.

Quinn simply loved the feeling of a new beginning. The leaves were dying and making way for new ones, the end of the year was on its way and overall, everything was beginning anew.

She even found herself enjoying the traditional activities of the Halloween season, the activities that would most likely have made teenage Quinn Fabray barf.

The apple picking, hay rides, pumpkin patches, Quinn found herself looking forward to these events every single year, and it wasn't just because she had three kids to share these fun times with.

"Come on Mummy!" Beth called as she ran towards the entrance to today's activity, which was the pumpkin patch.  Little Ella wobbled along behind her big sister, frequently turning back to smile at her mother and father. Parker, being the six month old he was, sat happily in his mother's arms.

"Coming, coming" Noah said as he ran up behind his daughters, beginning to chase them. They squealed in pure delight and ran faster.

"Your sisters are crazy huh?" Said Quinn, looking down at Parker and kissing his little blonde head.  He just giggled and moved his hands around.

Quinn laughed at his actions.  Even after three kids, she didn't know what went on inside their tiny heads.  Sometimes their responses were so incredibly random.

"We're going to the pumpkin patch, we're going to the pumpkin patch" she sang.  Parker stared at her as if she had gone crazy. 

"Don't like breaking out into song?  Well then you're gonna get sick of this family soon enough."


Soon enough, the family found themselves in the midst of the vast pumpkin patch, picking pumpkins.

"Daddy, this one" Ella demanded, pointing to the largest, most vibrant pumpkin.

Beth came running over. "No it's mine Ella. I told Mommy that I wanted that one right when we came in!"

"Well you should have taken it then."

"It was to big!"

Noah came over. "Beth, Ella, don't fight in public." The two girls continued to squabble, and Noah looked up at his wife with an expression that was something along the lines of help me.

Quinn smiled and confidentially walked up to them. "How about its none of yours, and Parker gets it?"

"Good idea." Noah said, putting on what he liked to call his 'strong daddy face'.


"No buts." Noah placed his hand on both of his daughters heads and turned them away. They both went to go and find their own pumpkins, still sulking.

"I think we made a good parenting decision today" Noah said, patting himself on the back.

Quinn patted his chest. "It was all me honey."

He kissed her quickly on the lips and picked up the pumpkin the girls had formerly been fighting over. "How bout you, Parkersaur? You like this one buddy?"

The baby boy clapped his hands together.

"I'll take that as a yes." With that, Noah held the pumpkin under one arm and with the other, took Parker from his wife. Kissing her cheek and turning around, he went to go find their girls.

Quinn found herself a bench and plopped herself onto it, looking on at her family proudly. Beth and Ella looked like they had finally settled on a pumpkin each, and Noah was chasing them through the maze of pumpkins, Parker in his arms.

She loved seeing her family so happy.

Fall really was her favourite season.

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