Chapter 5 (About to get rough)

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We drove out to the Hanger to get a few more modifications to help us out on our vehicles. We drove right into the hanger as they where expecting us. We parked it in a place they had marked for each driver. They came to us and said its time for a meeting so you know what we are up against. Are you aware of who the army is that proclaimed war on us? I replied, No I do not I been trying to figure that out. He replied then your about to find out. Meet in 5 minutes over in my office by the entrance. I replied, Ok we will be there. I grabbed my team together told them what we where doing and off to the office we went.

We entered the office sat at a around in the chairs with a desk in front of it and the meeting started. The guy starts off, Ok as you may or m may not know we are in war against people of the sea. Otherwise known as the pirates. However these are not any normal pirate you see on those cartoon movies or in the pirate of Caribbean movies. These guys are more advanced. They have multiple ships somehow somewhere out in the great big sea they have a huge HQ where they have built there own grounds. These guys are not to mess with. Heavy armor wont do squat in this situation. They have many dozens of heavily armored vehicles and tons of weapons. Boys we need a good team and we need one fast. I replied, sir we have the team here. He replied then suit up re label all vehicles to your ID number and get ready. I will provide the vehicle plans to help secure your vehicles for a fight. Only God can help us now.

We went out to our vehilces dug into some of the food we had in the van while we waited. Its been quite a while since we last ate so decided to use this opportunity. I spoke up and said, I have to agree these pirates are not to mess with, I heard about them quite a while back about how they have this HQ out in the sea somewhere. Hese also right at this momment only God can help us now. We gathered together and started praying.

Dear God,

Protect us as a team and others trying to get to the escape point. Keep us safe and lead us into the right direction. Keep our vehicles going and help us to not be forced to kill to many people if any at all as we do not want to kill anybody but are forced to, to protect ourselves. Amen.

As we ended our prayer the other guy in the office came up to us and said, Ok I just realized I never properly greeted myself. My name is Rick I will be with you but in my own vehicle. I will also not have your ID number I will be using my own. To prevent you all from being separated you can choose to use same ID or you all use your own its up to you. We replied together, well use our own ID. Seems we all had agreed. He said ok, well here are the plans. I took the liberty of researching your vehicle types and what needs to be done so here are each of your plans. Parts are over there. Ill be in the office you let me know when your ready. He walked off and we started off to the area that he said the parts where at, towards the back where there appeared to be a huge wall where you would think that a huge plane would be was. We all quickly grabbed our parts and each vehicle ID members worked together with there own team. I finished mine first and my friend finished his second within 2 hours. The others where still going at it so we split off to help the others. We started out helping and finished rather quickly and then went to the office. He replied good then we gotta get ready to go first you all follow me we will grab the weapons we need to stock up with. We followed him into a room behind his desk which wasn't any ordinary door it was a hidden door which required a pass code. He handed us all a list and we all grabbed what was on the list and loaded them onto a cart and pushed them out to our vehicles. We finished up and he said to leave the carts and get in our vehicles because it was time to get going.

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