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'God help me.'
I've never been the most of social people, especially in times like this.
Now you might be thinking,
'Y/N, why would you become an actress and part time model if you're anti-social? Don't you think that's a little ironic?'
And yes, it is. Very much so. But I do it for fun, not for popularity and fame.
But right now is a good example of my not-so-social-abilities that are kicking through. It's completely cringe worthy.
I'm standing at the bar, a party going on all around me. I'm at a movie premier party. Not a movie that I'm in, but was invited to. I was invited, funnily enough, because the director of this movie wants me in a movie of his that he plans on making soon. I recently moved to the L.A., so that really helps with me getting more modeling gigs and more movie auditions. But anyways, I'm standing at this bar, famous celebs all around me, chatting and having a grand ole' time; but me being me, I'm standing alone, bending slightly over the bar counter while sipping my tonic and gin.
You would think that me being 'all the rage these days' that someone would come and talk to me, but the only person that has talked to me so far was Daniel Radcliffe and John Stamos.
I don't even wanna' get into how I let my cover down when I met Daniel. I may have let it slip that I was a huge Harry Potter fan and completely fan-girled over his entire existence. He laughed at me and my inner excitement, but laughed even more when I apologized profusely about letting myself out. He told me it was okay and that he quite enjoyed that side of me. Everyone does.
I took another sip of my tonic and gin as I recollected what had happened earlier and I giggled slightly at the embarrassment. I suddenly heard a glass being sat down on the counter and a deep sigh. "So, how are you doing on this fine evening?" I turned my head to look at the person, seeing none other than Tom Felton. I quickly fixed my posture and turned completely towards him. He chuckled and waved his hand in a dismissive manor. "Calm down, love. Relax." I let out a tiny laugh as I relaxed my shoulders. "Sorry.." I mumbled as I took another sip of my drink. "It's quite alright. It's my fault for being so blatant." He side smiled as he took a swig of what looked like a glass of whiskey. "No, you're fine. But I'm.. I'm okay I guess." I looked down at my drink as my fingers traced the neat designs on the glass. He let out another quiet chuckle. "Same here. But what's wrong, if you don't mind me asking." He quickly added the last part. I looked back up at him before smiling softly and letting out an exaggerated breath. "My uh, my boyfriend of 4 years cheated on me, for the uh, for the 4th time.. And we broke up." I painfully laughed as I made eye contact with him. His eyes were flooding with sympathy and the corners of his mouth turned down in a slight frown. I didn't want him to feel sorry for me so panic set in. "But it's nothing to worry about, I'll be fine!" I put on a fake smile with fake cheerfulness dripping from my voice. "You know, it's not good for you to hide your real emotions. It's okay to let them loose." He said softly as he took another swig of his whiskey, staring into my eyes. My fake smile dropped and my heart started beating. I'm an actress and model.
No one has ever seen through my fake emotions. Not even other actors or actresses. What the bloody hell?
"Ahh; so I'm right." He smiles as he sets down his glass. How can this man see through me this quick? Not even my mother and father can distinguish between when I'm being real or if I'm being fake. "Yes, yes you are." I say cautiously, eyeing him up and down suspiciously. He laughs, throwing his head back and making his Adams apple bob up and down. I take another sip of my drink. "I'm sorry, it's just, it's just your face. I thought you were about to kill me." He says, trying to catch his breath as he wipes his eyes.
"I'm being impolite. I'm Tom, and you are?" He asks with an eyebrow raised as he sticks out his hand for me to shake. I put my hand softly into his and smile. "I would be daft if I didn't know who you are. I'm Y/N L/N." We shake and let go, both of our hands going directly back to our drinks. "And I'd be an idiot if I didn't know who you were, either. I love the movies that you've been in, not to mention the beautiful pictures you've modeled in." He smirks as he takes a sip of this drink. I blush and do the same with my drink. "Same, but I have a certain love for a certain Slytherin Prince." I copy his smirk, confidence filling my voice. "Yes, Daniel told me all about how he met you and your little fan-girl outburst." Tom says smugly. I face-palm and Tom laughs at this. "I'm sorry, I'm such a nerd." I giggled and brushed my hand through my h/l h/c hair. "No, it's completely okay. It's not everyday I make another nerd friend." He laughs. "Same." I say as I look down at my glass once again with a genuine smile. He puts his pointer finger under my chin and lifts my head up to look at him. "See, that's the smile I always wanna' see on you. Not a fake one." He winks as I blush tomato-red, my smile grows bigger. "So what house are you in?" He raises his eyebrows in curiosity. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." I chug the rest of my drink down. "Are you a Slytherin? Oh my god, please tell me you're a Slytherin! That would be amazing!" I look back at him and smirk, nodding my head. "Are you kidding? OH MY GOD!" His eyes widen as excitement fills his face. I giggle at his childish behavior. "We are now best friends." He laughs as he gulps down his drink. "Can we exchange phone numbers? I would love to hang out with you some time! You're really cool and funny." He smiles shyly as he reaches in is pocket to get his phone. "Of course!" I exclaim as I get my phone out of my purse. We exchange phones and I input my number into a new contact.
'Bestie Y/N'
I make my name in the contact before saving it. We hand back our phones, our hands grazing each other's.
Before I look at whatever nonsense he put in my phone, he pulls me into a quick hug. The embrace is warm and I don't wanna' let him go, but of course, we release from the hug. "It was amazing to meet you, Y/N. Goodbye, until next time." He sarcastically bows then turns around and starts walking away. I smile, but then something dawns on me. "WAIT, TOM!" I slightly yell. He turns back around and looks at me with a curious smile. "You never told me what was upsetting you." I say with disappointment hinting in my words. He grins widely. "I'll leave it as a cliff hanger, an incentive if you will. An incentive for you to hurry up and go get coffee with me soon." He winks and walks away with a smug look on his face. I'm smiling from ear to ear.
Then I look down at my phone, looking at the new contact.
'Slytherin Prince'
You're beautiful, funny and kind. Don't let that prick ex-boyfriend get you down.
Love your nerdy best friend,

I didn't know my smile could grow any bigger.
'God help me...'

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