Chapter 19: By the Light of the Moon Symbol Part 2

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I ran until I reached the end of a long, winding street. I was still amazed that I could see without any clear sources of light. The city was terrifyingly beautiful, with buildings that towered higher than any I'd ever seen. 

There were no lights directing constant traffic, leaving the street in peaceful silence. Though I stood catching my breath on the sidewalk, no one so much as glanced in my direction. I parted the sea of night-walkers, watching as they disappeared into unmarked buildings. 

For a second, I felt at peace there in the dark city. If I wasn't so afraid of being trapped in Tenebris, I might've even liked it.

When I saw the crowd behind me parting, I immediately took off again, knowing the boys were not far behind. I was able to outrun them again, somehow possessing more athleticism in the last five minutes than I had my entire life. I felt like I could run for longer, but I paused at an unusually bright building that caught my eye. 

A tiny crescent moon carved from glittering silver crowned a brass roof, which cocooned the building like a protective shell. The outside walls were all bronze and gold with no windows, sticking out like a sore thumb in the all-black street. The black semi-circle at the front seemed to be the door, although there was no doorknob to speak of. A silver crescent with swirls of stars covered the left side, expressing a waxing moon phase.

I reached out to touch its sleek surface, and the obsidian rock shimmered like a mirage and disappeared, allowing me to walk through. 

I stepped inside, hearing a faint chime announce my presence. I turned and saw that the door was back in its rightful place, making me wonder if it had even moved at all. 

On the inside, the building was much larger than it first appeared, like it had stretched out to fit the sheer amount of metal bookshelves that kissed the bronze-domed ceiling. Much like the rest of Tenebris, there was no obvious source of light. It was like the metal itself produced its own luminance, glowing in a similar fashion to the crystals Unnormals used.

I passed brass tables that sat out in rows, etched in moon symbols like the one out front. The tables parted the sea of bookshelves, providing a clear walkway to the back of the library. The floors were the same glossy black as the door, but oddly, my sneakers didn't make a sound along the slick surface.

The only thing apart from the books that wasn't metallic were the black marble columns at the back of the library, supporting grand bronze arches that parted into dark hallways. On each column, a different-colored symbol glowed on top of the dark stone: a silver keyhole, a golden crescent, and a bronze set of chains. 

I neared a column with one symbol that disturbed me more than the others. It was a red hat with three sloping sides, pointed with small bells at their ends. A traditional jester hat to represent the Jokers.

All at once, it became clear what these symbols were. They were the emblems of every Shade in existence, showcasing their unique shadow power. From the clouds of the Blotters to the icicles of the Glaciers, they were all pictured. Every single one.

"I see you've found the Shade insignia." I whirled around at the low voice, my body tensing.

A familiar girl stood with her arms crossed, brown eyes boring right into mine. Her hair looked as nice as before, right down to the neatly-crafted up-do. Her guitar was nowhere to be seen, and she had discarded her winter coat in favor of a form-fitting cardigan. But there was no mistaking her polished appearance, or her clear disdain for me.

"Learning the symbols can be overwhelming at first, but you get used to it," she informed. "Think of it like learning countries, each with their own flag. Never make the mistake of confusing one for another, unless your goal is to pick a fight." Her teeth gleamed at the prospect, looking sharp and strangely feline.

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