Chapter 1

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"Do you feel any remorse for what you have done?" The judge asked me. She looked like the principal from 21 Jumpstreet, you know the one at the beginning with the glasses and the short curled grey hair? That one.

"I'm surprised it hasn't happened earlier, Griggs was always a loose cannon." I said shaking my head. Both the judge and my attorney looked at me with concerned and shocked faces.

"Ms. Richvale, you could be facing up to two years in a female juvenile detention centre. Is that what you want?" She asked and I smirked.

"You know I would make juvie my bitch."

"You and your friend were trafficking two million dollars worth of drugs and your friend was murdered. You don't care that your life is basically over?" She asked.

"As I said, Griggs was a loose cannon. Her own fault for messing up." I shrugged. The judge glanced at the people behind me and then to my attorney.

"The court sentences you to two years in a female juvenile detention centre. Your name doesn't suit you, Good luck...Light." 

Maybe you're expecting one of those stories where the tough girl goes to juvie and gets put into her place and out comes a good girl. 

That was the complete opposite for me.

My name is Light Richvale, I was sentenced to juvie when I was sixteen because I was caught moving two million dollars worth of drugs over the border. It wasn't even a lot these people need to calm down...

Anyways, the girl running with me got a little antsy with border security and she got shot. Stupid thing was pronounced dead. Now, don't get me wrong. I was sad for the girl but when thirty guys are holding guns at got to know when to stand down.

Anyways since it was my first offence, the judge was willing to give me six months in juvie and then three months community service. But knowing my parents, they would ship me off to some military boarding school and I wasn't having that. See, my last name lived up to my parents' reputation. My father was a surgeon and my mom worked in a science lab. Both successful, beautiful, smart, and wealthy. 

Also, not so proud of their only daughter getting arrested. They were both proud of my older brother who was in med school. Hey, I brought life to the Richvale party with my sarcasm and inappropriate jokes.

So here I was, seventeen years old and I still had one more year to go before I had another trial to see if I would be sent to a women's prison. I had made friends, allies, enemies and everything in between. Everyone called me Richie and no one fucked with me.

I sat in the common room playing solitaire. My hair was up in a messy bun and I had on a grey hoodie and my black baggy pants. We got a few hours to either watch some shitty reception tv, read, talk, or do whatever. You don't know how many times I played solitaire.

As I did two people ran over to me. One was my bunk mate, Genevieve and the other was Bailey. 

"Look what we found on Jazz." Genevieve whispered while sliding over a shiv. I sighed and rolled my eyes while snapping the toothbrush in half and shoving the blade into the bottom of the garbage.

"Tell Jazz if I see it again, I will send her to the infirmary for a few weeks." I said lowly.

"Already took care of it, Richie." She smirked while looking at the entrance way from the showers. I watched as Jazz walked in keeping her head down, when she did glance up I could see the swollen bruise on her tanned cheek.

"Good job, Gen. I don't like violence you know?" I asked.

"Oh yea, how many girls did you send to the infirmary?" Bailey laughed.

"Still, sometimes I like to play my solitaire in peace." I said.

"I forgot to mention, I heard that they are looking for a few inmates for a 'private' mission." Bailey grinned.

"And who did you hear that from?"

"Rumors, Bailey." Gen sighed shaking her head.

"From officer Grant and officer Diaz. They were taking me to laundry and I listened in, before officer Diaz cussed me out." She pouted.

"That's because she knows Grant is sweet on you, Bails." Gen laughed while patting her back.

"Eww, he's like eighty!" She grimaced. Bailey was sixteen where as Genevieve was my age.

"Try twenty-eight. Officer Shepard told me, I like to keep tabs on who works here." 

"Still too old for moi." She said.

"Karlsson, Thompson, Richvale...let's go." Officer Diaz barked.

"Officer Diaz, I'm in a game, love." I smiled while gesturing to all my cards that were laid out.

"Get your ass up and moving, Richvale." She threatened.

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