Chapter 7

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I had spoken to Diaz on my own about what Ethan had said. I would bring the drugs to her, she would bring it in to the station as evidence and give me cash to give back to him. That morning when I woke up, my prepaid phone buzzed. The only numbers in it were Genevieve's prepaid number and Bailey's prepaid number and Diaz.

'Good morning, lamp ;) Come to nine-four-one Glenndale, don't bring Gen or Bailey...I don't trust them yet.' 

I stared at the text message and frowned. When could he have put his number in the phone? How could he trust me after one night? This rich kid made no sense.

I got dressed anyways in soft cotton short shorts and a white tee. I went downstairs and headed for the door.

"Where you off to?" Diaz asked.

"Ethan Fairfax sent me a text. Wants me to meet him at nine-four-one Glenndale. No Gen or Bailey." I said while showing her the text message he sent me.

"Lamp? That's funny." She laughed and I rolled my eyes. Fucking rich kids.

"I will drive you and drop you a block away. Remember, don't get involved with this kid, Richvale. He's a criminal and his family is highly wanted." She warned.

"Oh yea, this is actually a booty call, Diaz."

"Shut up." She said while grabbing her keys. We drove about fifteen minutes before she stopped at the corner of Glenndale. 

I got out and began walking down the street, I passed by perfectly green lawns and one gardener was out with scissors, cutting his lawn to perfect height. I continued walking until there was a break in houses and then I saw it.

Cut off by large dark green trees was a huge, grey stoned mansion. I thought Mackenzie's house was big, this house took the cake.

"Fucking rich kids." I sighed while shaking my head. I walked up and sure enough I saw the numbers '941' on the side of the house. I marched up to the main door and knocked on it. Ethan had opened it and Matt stood behind him. Both were in matching shorts but Matt had on a hoodie and Ethan had on a shirt.

"Richie." Ethan said walking by me.

"Rich boys." I said while following them to the back.

"I know. Sometimes it seems too big." Ethan commented while looking up at the house.

"Really? I would have never guessed. What are you guys doing in there? Drinking champagne in your theatre?" I asked.

"Close. Drinking scotch and watching game tape in the theatre." Matt said and I rolled my eyes.

"You are fitting into every rich boy stereotype and it needs to stop." I said and they both laughed as Ethan opened up shed doors. I frowned and paused but I looked in as he opened it and stairs went down.

"The fuck is this!?" I asked stepping back defensively.

"You think we would keep this in our house?" Ethan asked.

"That's a Texas chainsaw basement." I noted and they both rolled their eyes and walked down the stairs. I followed while silently praying for my life. The little shelter was metal on the walls and floors. A table was in the middle along with a huge cooler freezer and compartments. Maps were lined across the walls that had certain locations circled.

"What is this?" I asked.

"We put the easiest selling spots on here. Where there is a lot of buyers and less police. The public  school here." He said pointing to a circle which was near where I was from.

"Is one of the highest selling markets. It doesn't take long to sell here." Ethan explained as Matt dropped a large bag onto the table. Inside of it was green clumps and I took a deep inhale while remembering what happened a while back with the drugs and with Griggs. We had more expensive drugs than weed.

"You can do this, right?" Ethan asked while looking at me. I straightened my shoulders and nodded.

"Of course I can. I'm not no pussy." I frowned while pulling over the bag.

"Ok, on the streets a gram is-"

"A gram is eighteen bucks. You pay more than twenty and you're getting ripped off. These kids are going to know that. An ounce should be about two hundred and fifty and a half ounce maybe one hundred and forty." I said and they both looked at me shocked.

"You done this before?" Matt asked and I shrugged.

"I have. More expensive than this but it is fine." I assured, they both glanced at each other before Matt shoved it into a back pack.

"It is already broken up. Give me the money when you're done." Ethan said while zipping it up and handing it to me.

"Sure thing, rich boy." I nodded

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