Chapter 1 - Her Life

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"But why can't I go in the forest?" she said, "sweetie its too dangerous in there" dad said. "BUT DAD; I'm a big girl" she said, "I'm afraid you will get hurt sweetie; let's talk about something else like you being queen some point"
dad said. "I know dad that I have to take responsibility and take care of the village when I'm queen but dad that is in a long time; I'm only 15" she said. "I know sweet but I don't you to go in the forest, it could be very dangerous and you can get hurt, ok?" dad said. "Ok dad, I'm finished breakfast so I am going to go to the village okay? l'll back later" she said. "Okay, just be careful" dad said. "Okay dad, bye" she said and then left the room. She got her stuff and walked out of the door of the castle. She got a horse out of the stable and went on it and went to the village. Everyone that was near stated at her direction for a few minutes and went on with their life. She said hello to any villager who walked by, waved to all the fellow folks and rode off on her horse. Then after she went back to the castle. She put the horse back in the stable and went in the castle entrance. "Did you have a good ride, sweetie?" dad said, "yup; good" said rapidly and walked away. "That's... good" said dad before his daughter walked away leaving him alone in the foyer". Then after lunch and dinner; she went to bed in her pink sparkly bedsheets; wearing a long baby blue pj top and pink pj shorts. She fell in a deep slumber; when a dream that was so odd came. Mostly she has dreams of being queen or riding with unicorns; this was no dream like the others. She had a dream of about the forest and it wasn't just about the forest that was odd, a crystal necklace showed up. But than that was all the dream showed; it vanished and her normal dreams went back. She woke up looking at the clock, it was only 7 in the morning. But all she could think about was the necklace, it was so beautiful and breathe taking; the crystal in the necklace was blue like the water mixed with the sky. The colour was rare to see, mostly all you see are dark blue and light blue, this blue was original. She quietly tiptoed down the stairs because she didn't know if anyone was awake yet. She went in the kitchen and she saw so much food, this could feed over 30 people. She thought hmmm who could of made all of this? "hello, is anyone in here" she said. "Yes, hello there; I'm Alex. I'm the cook  this kitchen" Alex said, "like the food?" Alex said quickly. "Yes, the food looks so good and delicious. Though, I have never seen you before til now; do you know if my parents are awake?" she asked. "Thank you, it toke me a while to make this. Also; you never seen me because I just cook the food and go home after" he said, adding "oh yeah, for your question; your parents are in the library, they told if I see you to tell you to eat before seeing them. I
guess they want you to be well fed, I don't blame them". Alex smiles as he gives her, her breakfast and walks away. She eats and drinks the breakfast that is given and leave a kitchen. She goes to see her parents, they all say good morning to each and as she walks out she says " I'm going to ride my house in the village again, going to give him some more exercise". They nod and wave goodbye, as she walks out the door. She goes to the stable and gets her horse Snowy, as you can imagine the horse coat is all white like snow, just pure white. She rides him out of the castle gate to the village. She gets some food in the village with the money she has in her pocket. She hands the money to the worker, "thank you, I hope this is enough for the carrots and the apple" she says. As the worker relies saying "well it's my pleasure, this is enough for it" worker says, as he quickly adds "come again and have a nice day, bye". She gives her horse, Snowy some carrots and eats a bit of the apple she bought for herself because she was also hungry. "This is so tasty" she says and rides her horse back to the stable. She puts her horse back and walks back into the castle. After lunch and dinner; she goes back to bed. She had the exact same dream but now a cave was in it. The necklace now was in the cave while the cave was in the middle of the forest. She wakes up in the middle of the night and wonders, is this a message or my mind playing games? Then slowly drifts back to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2017 ⏰

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