Chapter 1: Mina Fujioka *EDITED*

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(Thats Mina just with bluer eyes ^^^)

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(Thats Mina just with bluer eyes ^^^)


Age: 17

Birthday: February 14th

Star Sign: Aquarius 

Gender: Female

Height: 4'9 (144cm)

Weight: 40kg (90lbs)

Blood Type: O

Ethnicity: Asian

Nationality: Japanese

Relatives: Haruhi (Sister)

Ryouji "Ranka" Fujioka (Father)

Kotoko Fujioka (Mother; Deceased)

{Personal Status}

Favorite Subjects: History, Literature, Language Class

Favorite foods: Stewpot, Pancakes, Cake/icecream

School: Ouran Academy

Occupation: High School Student

Club: Ouran Host Club

(Mina's Pov)

Sometimes I think why us? Why me? I don't understand how people can be so cruel and not have any regrets about a single word said? I also don't understand why my mother had to die...why her?

She was the greatest mom I could ever have and I know I have my father and older sister but how do I still feel so damn alone? It's been 10 years...10 fucking years...I just don't understand the world sometimes...and maybe I never will...all I know for sure is I have to be strong...for everyone's sake...

Sorry, I should probably introduce myself. My name is Mina Fujioka and I am the younger sister of Haruhi Fujioka...although I am only younger by a few months...people at school assume I'm literally 9 years old...that's because I practically have the height of a 9 year old so no one really takes me seriously...

I am 17 years old and am only 4'9 in height...yea...I don't know how I got cursed since bot my parents were pretty averagely tall and Haruhi is about 5'1...I guess I got the shitty genetics but everything else I have is my mother's.

I have long brown hair and bright blue eyes just like my mother...daddy says I'm more like my mom than Haruhi is which I can see and that makes me sad because everytime I look in the mirror...I see her and it just makes me sad because I miss her so much...

I love to read, write, listen to music and sing which the singing came from my mother because when I was little and was scared she would always sing to me...her voice was like an angel and I wanted to be able to sing just like her one day...oh man I just hope she's proud of me now...

When I was younger I was always naturally a very bubbly, happy, and energetic girl, I mean my father and older sister always said I was like my own cup of coffee cause somehow I always had so much energy...but that was until my mom passed away when me and Haruhi were only 7...

After that I became closed off and I wouldn't leave my room...I didn't talk, sleep, eat or bathe...I would just cry and cry until I would eventually pass out from exhaustion which happened a lot...I missed my mom dearly and life just got so much harder after she passed...I mean Haruhi dealt with her grief differently.

Daddy drowned himself in his work and in booze so me and Haruhi did all the cooking, cleaning and shopping while he was out and it was just was something no little girls should ever go through but I mean we always had each other so that was enough yea?

It was hard for a good while, but soon enough Haruhi and my father tried to help little by little and I know that mom is in a better place always looking down on me...I just hope she's proud...I sometimes would think she doesn't want me to be this sad over her and I try to be happy and get better for Momma, daddy and Haruhi's sake...but I still miss her a lot and I get very sad from time to time.

When I would get sad, I would clench my baby blue stuffed rabbit that my mom got me when I was just a baby and cry. I named her Mimi because it kinda rhymes with Mina, but luckily I always have Haruhi and my father and I know I'm not alone.

Even after 10 years I still I am very sweet, sensitive, kind, and gentle. I also love animals and sweets. I'm also very shy if I'm not around my sister, but luckily since we both go to Ouran Academy which is a rich school which I should mention we are not rich...we are pretty poor but we're there on a scholarship so thankfully I'm always around Haruhi.

But also being a poor commoner at a rich school tends to put some targets on my back because I do get bullied quiet often...sometimes I tell Haruhi, sometimes I don't...I just hate worrying her and she always tends to blame herself which I don't want her to do and it's just better if I deal with it on my own because I am a big girl's nothing I can't handle...

Despite me being very small, I am very smart and people often mistake my tiny cuteness over intelligence but as long I get my work done I don't mind and it is what it is. I just wish there was something more than this ya know? Like a friendship or relationship...

I mean I don't have any friends like Haruhi does...back at our old schools, I was always by her and even when Haruhi made friends, they tended to ignore me so I never really had friends of my own...but maybe that all can change...I hope it can because I'm tired of living the same boring life...

(HELLO EVERYONE, I KNOW I'M NOT DEAD SORRY TO DISAPPOINT! BUT I thought it would be good to re-re-edit this story because I just feel like I can make this story a lot better than it was and I know it's really cringy and I apologize for that but because i'm 18 now and life has absolutely been crazy updates will be slow. I have my drivers test on Wednesday then physical therapy for my back the next day and I am graduating next month along with having plans in summer for jobs and whatnot but I will do my ABSOLUTE best to update and edit as much as possible. Feel free to comment your thoughts on this and what you liked or disliked about the story...I won't get offended because it'll help me learn. So enjoy this newly edited chapter for now. Same goes to my other stories and don't forget to follow my other accounts which are links in bio and yea...enjoy!)

(1050 Words)

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