Chapter 4: Bullied (EDITED)

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(Honey's Pov)

After I had met Mina at the host club, I thought she was super cute. She was about my height and had a stuffed bunny similar to mine. I asked Takashi if we could be friends with her since she looked very lonely while the others pestered her sister Haru-Chan and yes me and everyone but Tama-chan knew she was girl...silly Tama-Chan.

I liked Mina; she was super fun to hang out with. She loved sweets just like me and was kind to us. After Haru-Chan broke the 8 million yen vase, Tama-chan told them that they would be working for us until they paid of their debt...even though Mi-Chan didn't do anything I was still excited that she would be working with us which means we can hang out more and I can get to know her better.

Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan teased Haru-Chan about her baggy clothes which made Mi-Chan mad as she stuck up for Haru-Chan. That was really brave of her considering how shy she was. But the twins laughed at Mi-Chan for being small which made me angry because she was my friend and she was the same height as me so why are they picking on her about something she can't control.

When they said that, it looked like she wanted to cry but didn't want to show it. I felt bad for Mi-Chan, she didn't deserve that. After that, Haru-chan went to the store for Tama-chan. Mi-chan came back over to me and Takashi but looked so sad. She had avoided our eye contact and held her stuffed bunny close to her. She trembled a little as I looked at Takashi with tears in my eyes. It was sad to see Mi-Chan so sad. He picked her up and set her on his leg as I went and sat on the other. I hugged Mi-Chan tightly and told her it was okay to cry if she needed. She hugged me tightly and just sobbed which broke my heart to hear.

I held her for a while until I thought about who made her so sad which then made my blood boil. I told Takashi to stay with Mi-Chan as I went over to the twins and told them to never hurt her ever again. They got scared as I flipped them over me and onto the ground as hard as I could which made them groan in pain and stay on the floor for a while...serves them right.

Mi-Chan thanked me which made me smile as I handed her a piece of cake which she smiled and ate. Her eyes were red and puffy along with her cheeks and some tears still managed to fall but I was going to do everything I can to make her feel better.

Eventually when Haru-chan came back, I was going to tell her what happened but Mi-Chan told me not to which made me confused. Kyo-Chan had told Haru-chan that it was all a misunderstanding which made me confused on why I couldn't tell Haru-Chan the truth?

After all of that, Kyo-Chan canceled the club due to Mi-Chan. I was still angry with Hika-Chan and Kao-Chan and probably wouldn't be talking with them for a while until they apologize for hurting her. After a few moments, Haru-Chan and Mi-Chan packed up their things and were heading home.

She hugged me and Takashi and told us we'd see her tomorrow which made me excited just thinking about seeing her tomorrow. I hopped on Takashi's shoulders and smiled as her and Haru-chan headed out the doors and off to their home...Mi-Chan sure was pretty, not to mention protective of Haru-chan which was sweet of her.

I smiled a bit "I'm excited to see Mi-Chan tomorrow" I told Takashi, he smiled as I looked over to see Kyo-chan and Tama-chan scold the twins for hurting Mi-Chan which made me smirk a bit as we stuck around for a while before heading home ourselves...but I couldn't stop thinking about Mina this entire time...


(Mina's Pov)

You never truly realize how exhausted you are until you cry your eyes out in front of your new friends and possible 2 new people you hate for hurting you. I felt so embarrassed that everyone had to listen to me cry...I have to apologize...definitely not how I wanted my first impression to go...I also gotta thank Honey and Mori for making me feel better.

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