The New X-File

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//September 29th 1994//

Scully swifted speedily through the department of investigations, her black high heels tapping a rapid rhythm along the polished concrete floor, turning corners to reach the Office. Her weariness looms over her freshly brewed coffee, stiring up whirles of steam upon her face. Swinging open the door with such lack of charisma, she slams the door behind only to be welcomed by her partner well and truly.

"Morning Scully! Well don't you just look like a bundle of fun and joy this fine day?".
To Mulder's dismay, Scully soon exudes an uninspired, flat yet sarcastic face as she raises a brow directly towards him. "What's up with you, Scully? Up partying all night as usual I presume?" Mulder mocks, sneakily chuckling under his breath.  Scully snaps "No as a matter of fact Mulder I haven't. I didn't manage to get to sleep last night". "How comes?" Mulder concerningly asks out of worry. "My apartment window kept opening with every gust of wind last night, couldn't seem to find the key to lock it shut so will need to stop by a locksmith after work. Why are you so chirpy, Mulder?" Scully exclaims.

"We.. Scully, have another file". Mulder picks up a folder marked with numbers and hands it over to Scully to read at her own avail. He turns on the projecter, automatically switching onto a slideshow of photographic evidence from a recent crime scene. "The case shows three seperate women, all roughly the same age and living in Vancouver. They all share the same the strangulation marks around their necks and were all posed in the bathroom tub of their own homes" Mulder reports. CLICK! A whirring buzzing sends the next photo onto the slide. Scully takes a step closer, leaning in towards the screen to add "This has to be another sociopath we're looking for here Mulder, most likely male.. mid thirties. Shall we go check it out?".

"Excellent, lets go" Mulder announces.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2017 ⏰

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