Chapter 1

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Octavia's P.O.V

"Unpack your shit and then get back down here for dinner" My stepfather yelled from down the stairs to me and my brother. I frowned and started to take my clothes out of my suitcase. California is not going to be any better then New York I wish we never moved. I had friends and I had a girlfriend. This was all bullshit. My stepfather got a new job so we had to move. We do everything by his rules, well my mother does anyway. Halfway through unpacking I walked into my brothers room, it was right across from mine.

He was on his bed playing on his phone.
"You better start unpacking before trash bag finds out" I said.

He rolled his eyes and stood up throwing some clothes around from his suitcase.

When he was finished we walked downstairs, my mother was sitting on the couch and my stepfather was standing up against the wall

"Did you finish unpacking?" My mom asked.

Me and Elijah nodded our heads. He went and sat down on the couch while I leaned on the railing.
"Tommorow you will be starting at your new school, so your mother and I expect you guys to get a goodnight sleep tonight. As for now get some pizza, your mother and I are going out" he winked at her.

"So we get to eat pizza and you guys get to have a four course meal?" I argued.

"Watch your mouth faggot" he spit

I looked at my mother in awe and she just turned her head.

"So your just gonna let him talk to me like that? Wow you really lost all of your morals for your children haven't you?" I yelled

Manuel walked over to me in 5 long strides and connected the back of his hand with my face.
"Do not disrespect your mother" he spat

I held my hand up to my cheek and my brother shot up from his seat.

I walked back up the stairs along with Elijah following closely behind. He sat next to me on the bed in my room.
"Don't worry you can move out in like 2 years maybe he will even be gone by then" He spoke hopefully.

I chuckled "don't get your hopes up kid" I ruffled his hair.

A little while later the front door slammed shut. I walked downstairs and picked up the money they left on the coffee table.
"Hey eli what kind of pizza do u want?" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

"Uh plain" he shouted.

"I'll be back" I yelled back with no response"

I slipped on my white slides and closed the door closely behind me and started to walked outside.
There pizza place was the next block over, so not that far.
When I finally got there I opened the door and the little bell jingled indicating someone was coming in.

"Welcome to joes pizzeria what can I get you today?" A guy with a thick Italian accent spoke.

"Uhh can I have a large plain pie?" I asked.

He nodded his head and started making it as the cashier rang me up.
"That will be $10.00 dollars"

I handed him the cash and waited for my pizza. The bell on the door jingled again and I turned around seeing a light skin girl with the prettiest eyes Iv ever seen walk in with her friends. She was short but she had brown hair and long nails, she was wearing a crop top and jeans but Iv never seen anyone wear it better then her. I looked her up and down.

"Hi can I have a large sub no spices and 3 sodas please" she smiled.

Her voice was soft and sweet. I licked my lips watching as she sat down with her friends. She turned her head making eye contact with me. I didn't look away.
We kept our eyes on eachother.

"Here you go, one large plain pie" joe said handing me my food.
"Thank you" i Smiled breaking eye contact.
I looked at her one last time before I walked out of the pizzeria.

I walked home and slipped off my slides putting the food on the new kitchen table we just got and ran up the stairs walking into Elijah's room.

He was in the middle of unpacking I presumed he was almost done.
"Good job it looks nice, now the foods here come eat" I spoke.

He nodded his head and walked down the stairs with me.
I checked my phone and looked at the time it was only 6:40. They probably would be out all night. The usual.

I got two plastic plates and two cups and got the soda out of the fridge pouring it into the cups handing him one and putting two slices of pizza on each of our plate. We sat down and ate and talked about the school we were gonna be attending tommorow. I was a junior and Elijah was a freshmen. I was 16 and he was 14.

"Do you think the people there are gonna be nice?" He asked.

"I think there gonna be the same as the people in our last school, just different faces" I said.

"What if there mean about you being a lesbian?" He frowned.

"Nobody's gonna be mean to me you know how intimidating I look" I spoke softly.

"If only they really knew how soft you were" he teased.

"Shut up with your Lil ass" I laughed

He shook his head and laughed

I smiled back taking another bite of my pizza.
When we finished we threw out our plates and took our drinks to our rooms.
I took off my shirt leaving me in a sports bra and I took off my jeans putting myself in a pair of basket ball shorts and crawling into bed scrolling through my Instagram.

I wondered how it was gonna be here in cali, new people, new school, new neighborhood. It was gonna be a big change. I laid down in my bed thinking about how things where gonna be. I was nervous for school tommorow. Things will be fine though, they always turn out to be. I wonder if that girl goes there, maybe I'll see her.

I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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