Chapter 2

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I woke up to my alarm ringing. It was 5:00.
How wonderful.

I rubbed my eyes and rolled out of bed. I started to knock on Elijah's bedroom door
"Wake up!" I yelled seeing as he never gets up by himself.
I got into the bathroom and undressed slowly stepping into the hot steam of the shower.

I immediately started to wash my hair, rubbing the shampoo in first and then the conditioner. I grabbed the Axe scented soap from the corner of the shower and put a glob on my washcloth slowly washing every part of my body until I was covered in the soapy water. When I was finished I rinsed all the soapy water off.

I stepped out of the shower wrapping a fresh towel around my small frame. before I left I looked in the foggy steam filled mirror real quick and checked myself out a little bit.

I dried myself off and put on some new clothes, a thrasher hoodie and some joggers. I quickly threw on matching Jordan's to complete my outfit.

I walked down the stairs and saw empty beer bottles and ciggerate buts all over the table. My mother and stepfather nowhere to be seen, probably sleeping.
Elijah came down the stairs and raided the fridge looking for something to eat. I looked into my bag and handed him the $5 dollar bill I was saving for myself.
"Here get something to eat at school" I smiled.
"Thank you Octavia your the best" he said.
I nodded my head and zipped up my bag, it was almost time to leave. I brushed my teeth.

"It's time to goooooo" Elijah whined.

"Im coming I'm coming" I walked over to the door and locked it as me and Elijah stepped on the porch. The school was a short walk.
We walked and talked but we didn't have a lot to say to eachother seeing that it was super early in the morning. We walked up to the big yellow school that read "HighLand High"

When I walked in there was loads of students short to tall, black and white, etc. I walked into the main office and got me and Elijah's schedule.
"Okay so room 206 is down that way, you think you can make it there?" I asked him.

He nodded his head "yeah Octavia I think I can handle it" he chuckled.

"Have a nice day" i told him before he ran off in the opposite direction.

My first class was English with Mrs. Floss room 225. I walked down the hallway getting a few looks from some of the students. I ended up in the 100s instead of the 200s and I had no idea where I was. I continued to walk down the hallway realizing that I was going to have to walk around the entire school. The bell rung and I started to panic a little bit walking a little faster.

I eventually got there. there was desks lined up in a row in 5 rows. I looked at all of the students now looking at me seeing as I was the center of attention since the teacher stopped teaching.

"What can I do for you?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

I looked at her and back at the class "Uh my name is Octavia Thompson" I looked back at her.

"Well Octavia your about 20 minutes late, don't let it happen again" she said sternly

I nodded my head and noticed the girl I saw in the pizza place was sitting in the back row. I was shocked to see her. I adverted my eyes to the only empty seat in the middle of the room. Everyone adverted there attention back to the teacher once I sat down. She was talking about the things we were gonna need for her class and some things we were going to be learning.

I turned my head back and looked at the pretty girl sitting behind me. She was paying attention to the teacher. She was so gorgeous, probably popular, she turned her head towards me and I quickly turned my head back upfront.

I looked down at the desk and started to doodle on a piece of paper. I wonder if she's into girls, she doesn't look like it. I sighed.

Mrs. Floss started to give us papers of the syllabus. It looked like we were going to have a lot of work to do this semester in her class.

I made top of my grade last year, I'm smart, don't think Iv ever gotten lower then a High B in any class before. School work is annoying but it's pretty easy, one day all my hard work is gonna pay off and I'll become something big, I'm not sure what yet but I'll figure it out.

By the time lunch rolled by I was starving, I got my food and walked down the hallway of the cafeteria looking around for someone to eat with. I bumped into a girl shorter then me and she fell. I looked down at her quickly it was the girl from the pizzeria again.

"Omg I'm so sorry! Let me help you up" I held out my hand for her and pulled her up to her feet. "Are you alright?" I asked

She blushed "I'm okay my fault"

"I wasn't watching where I was going, sorry about that" I smiled nervously

"Are you new?" She asked

I nodded my head

"Your that girl from the other day, I remember you" she smiled.

I nodded my head smiling back

"What's your name?" She asked

"Octavia" I smiled

"Nice to meet you I'm Aaliyah" she held out her hand which I gladly shook

"Iv never seen you around before, are you from here?" She asked

I shook my head "I'm originally from New York I just moved here"

"Oh that's interesting, do you have anywhere to sit?" She said.

I shook my head once again

"Come sit with me and my friends"

She led me to the table where there were three girls sitting, I nervously bit my lip and sat down. "This is Alexa, Trinity, and Alicia" she smiled.

"Guys this is Octavia she's new"

They all smiled "nice to meet you"

"Likewise" I said.
We all started to chat and eat

"Are you a dyke?" The girl trinity asked halfway into lunch.

Aaliyah gasped and nudged her arm "trinity!"

Trinity looked at her chuckling "What? It's what we're all wondering!"

I started to laugh, "something like that" I said smiling.

"Aaliyah and Alexa are Gay Me and Alicia are straight"

I nodded my head feeling my palms get sweaty I would have never guessed Aaliyah was gay, she's so gorgeous. I have to make a move one of these days.

The bell rung at 12:05 and everybody got up throwing there lunch away.

"See you later Octavia" Aaliyah smiled and walked away meanwhile I watched her hips sway along with her plump bottom. Pretty and a nice ass. This girls a lady killer. I smiled to myself.

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