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No Ones POV

Jungkook unraveled his arms from Jieuns's waist & took a few steps away from her after he heard what she asked.

Little did Jieun know, someone was spying at them near the door. Jungkook, who was usually oblivious, knew exactly who it was staring them down.

He kept quiet avoiding the question.

He kept quiet avoiding the question

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"I'll take that as a no then..." Jungkook turned around to find her picking up her bags and walking towards the door.

As soon as she touched the handle, the door opened itself revealing Jennie Kim, the instructor.

JiEun's POV

"Whoah there, is our little star leaving so soon?" Jennie exclaimed.

She had a gleam to her eye, almost as if she didn't want me there to begin with

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She had a gleam to her eye, almost as if she didn't want me there to begin with.

I responded with a nod and pushed my way through the door until I felt my wrist being pushed back in.

"You made a commitment to join this class, at least stay through this first lesson," Jennie advised.
More & more people started to flood the room & I was left with no option but to stay. She was a very convincing woman to say the least.

The only other open space was right in the very front of the class by Jennie & of course, Jungkook who was beside me. What are the odds?

"ALRIGHT so first things first, we're gonna split into two groups, the females & the males," Jennie instructed. "I have 2 choreographies, one feminine & one masculine, then the second choreography you'll be learning throughout the next two weeks will be with a partner of the opposite sex. From there on, you'll present your perfected choreography, hopefully, and by then I'll rank who did the best."

There was some cheering going on from the men's side. I'm not sure if they were excited about the choreography or Jennie herself.

I just hope I do well, cause I'm not a beginner but I'm not as good as everyone else in this room.

Jennie had been teaching the 'feminine' choreography to us females for about 2 hours now & I think I've got it down except the booty popping parts.
It was quite embarrassing only because there were guys on the other side of the room & I don't feel comfortable.
Jennie could see I was having trouble and came over to help me.

"Jieun sweetie, if you're not comfortable just tell me, okay? We're good friends by now," She let out a chuckle. "This is how you do it properly," she handed me her bottle and by then everyone's eyes were on her.

 "This is how you do it properly," she handed me her bottle and by then everyone's eyes were on her

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Loud whistles fled the room and I couldn't help but turn to look at Jungkook's reaction.
He, along with every guy in the room, had his mouth wide open.
I mean I get it, Jennie is fierce and is literally perfect. But does Jungkook like her? He hasn't taken his eyes off her and mine never left him.

I felt anger  slowly rising in me & at this point I just needed air.

Everyone was still cheering Jennie on, they probably didn't notice me leave the room.

I had no clue where I was going. This place was unfamiliar to me. I went up a set of stairs leading to the rooftop.

I was leaning against the rails looking down to get a glimpse of the people & the beautiful scenery when I heard my name being shouted.



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