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I sit on the bench by the school waiting for Kate and Warren to show up. Kate eventually shows up and runs one to me.
"Hey y/n!" Kate says.
"Hey Kate!" I say. "How are you?"
"I'm good. I love how happy we are to see each other, when it's only been like 20 minutes," Kate chuckles. I laugh.
"I'm dreading tonight," Kate says to me.
"Why??" I ask.
"My friend wants me to go to the vortex club party tonight and I'm sooooo not excited," Kate says.
"I'll come with you! I need a reason to go out tonight. And we'll stick together," I say and smile. She nods.
"That would be fantastic! I won't be on my own now. Please, please, pleaseeee stick by me," Kate says. I chuckle.
"Come on, it's my first party as well!" I say and laugh.
"I'm gonna get ahead to photography. I need to finish some things for the everyday heroes," she says. "I'll text you!" She walks off. You stand there waiting for warren. You then feel someone grab your arm and turn you around. They didn't let go but they weren't hurting you. It was.. Nathan Prescott.
"Oh.. Hi," I say looking down at my arm. "Cou-could you let go?" He smirks at me but doesn't let go.
"I heard your going to the party tonight," he says.
"Uh.. Yea.. I'm going..with uh Kate," I say. He keeps smirking at me and still has hold of my arm.
"I better see you there," he says and with that he lets go of my arm and walks off, still with that huge smirk on his face. 'Well, that happened,' I thought. I shook my head and start walking to photography class, desperate to find Kate.

I walk into photography class to see Kate sitting there sorting out her picture. I rush over to her.
"Kate, Kate, Kate, I have something to tell you!" I say and sit down next to her.
"It must be exciting as your tapping the table like mad," she says.
"Am I? Oops, but! Nathan Prescott spoke to me for the first time," I say.
"And that's important because?...." Kate says. I sigh.
"Because it was about the party. He wants to see us at the party!" I say excitedly.
"You mean he wants to see you," Kate says not looking at you.
"What? No..," you say. "Kate me and you are sticking together at the party, aren't we?" Kate sighs.
"If you want to see Nathan in the party then you can. But I can't go near him, I don't trust him, he freaks me out, I just.. Can't," she explains. I sigh.
"Kate. I'm obviously choosing you over him. I barely know him. I'm sticking with you in the party like I promised," I say and smile. Kate smiles back.
"Thank you, y/n, I know I'm a pain in the backside but I appreciate you sticking by me throughout all of this," she says and leans in to hug me. I hug her back and we eventually let go.
"Awe how cute. The whores are sharing a moment," Victoria says and chuckles. Her friends laugh with her and I look at Kate and these words really get to her.
"Slut," I mumble
"What was that? I didn't hear you. Dare you to say it again," Victoria spoke and got up walking towards you.
"Go on, dare you to say what you said a moment ago again," she says again. Her friends stand behind her, a huge grin upon their faces. I roll my eyes.
"I said slut," I mumble again. Victoria laughs.
"Honey, you should watch what you say about me as I can make you life hell. Do you really want to end up as low as Kate?" She asks and laughs. Kate looks down at her work with a sad expression. I turn to Kate ignoring Victoria. She laughs.
"Thought so," she then walks off. I put my hand on Kate's shoulder to comfort her. She looks at me with a weak smile and I could see the tears forming in her eyes. I get up and walk to the front of the class and go get a tissue. I walk back over to her and pass her the tissue.
"Thank you y/n," she says.
"Anytime Kate," I say with a smile.

*ring* that's the bell to suggest that class is starting. Mr Jefferson walks in the room and I hold my picture for the contest in my hands and walk up to him.
"Mr Jefferson?" I say.
"Yes y/n? How can I help you?" He asks.
"Well.. For one I have my everyday heroes entry and also, could I move next to Kate? As she's getting a lot of harassment and I really want to be there to help her," I say. He looks at me.
"Well I can't say no to that. Sure, but if you talk in class, you'll move right back ok?" He says. I nod and smile.
"Thank you sir," I say. I pass him the picture and he studies it.
"This is fantastic. You really do have a gift. I'll add this to the pile," he says and walks over to his pile of entries. I walk off next to Kate.
"He said yes," I say with a smile.
"Yay!" She says with a smile.
"Alright class, settle down!" Mr Jefferson shouts. "Anyone who isn't in this class and is just lingering around, please leave," he say. Half of the people get up and leave the classroom.
"Ok, let us begin," he says.

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