Chapter One: The move.

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     Niall's Pov

 Great. Another big move.  This is the third time that my family and I have moved in this year alone. This is only one of the major setbacks of having a dad with a very successful, well-paying job. We always have to move because his job decides to relocate him almost every other week. Well that's an exaggeration, But you get my drift. Speaking of moving. The last two moves haven't been very positive. I mean sure, we always lived in decent houses, in nice neighborhoods which was great for my family. But nothing about moving was great for me. I always had to go to completely new schools, in the middle of the school year. Being the new kid alone is hard enough, But add the fact that I never get a grade lower than a B+ on anything. Plus add the fact that I am a major perfectionist that always has to have everything right. All of these things makes me the perfect target for bullies everywhere.  I never really fit in anywhere. The only place that I felt like I fit in was back home in Ireland. Where everyone knew everyone. I am just really hoping that this move will be different. That this time I will fit in. that at least I will stay long enough to make friends. You know what they say "Third times the charm" and I'm really hoping that they are right.

"Niall honey, we're here" my mum said stepping out of the car. Well looks like this is it. I took a deep breath letting it out as a sigh. I took my ear buds out and stepped out of the car. The first thing I did was look out at my new neighborhood, and then at my house. As usual they were both decent. The house not to big, the neighborhood didn't look to bad, it was much better than the previous. All of the houses were fairly close to one another, and pretty much looked the same,

   "Niall honey, c;mon help us get unpacked so you can get your room set up" I nodded at my mum before she carried one of our boxes inside. I took one last look out at my neighborhood. Well Bradford...this it it....I hope you treat me well.

Unpacking my room was easy for me, so easy that I could do it all by myself. I mean I have done it many times. I always unpacked my desk and bookcases and stuff like that  first so that I could put everything else away, after I have it organized of course. As I was putting my bookcases together, I heard the doorbell ring and my mum talking to people, who's voices I didn't recognize. Then I heard her calling for me.

"Niall, come down here.... there is someone down here for you to meet" Oh fun! another one of dad's stuck up co-workers who think that they are so amazing just because they are successful and rich. But when I got downstairs I realized it wasn't one of dads co-workers. Instead it was tall, lanky boy who had brown curly hair and big green eyes.  Who appeared to be my age or a year younger I couldn't really tell.  "This is our neighbor Harry and His mum Anne, they live just next door. and they wanted to come and introduce themselves." My mum said with a smile, I smiled slightly as Harry held out his hand for me to shake, At first I ignored it but my mum nudged me and  awkwardly shook his hand "Hi Harry, I..i'm Niall" I mumbled fairly quite.

" How about you two go up to your room and he can help you get unpacked" Harry's mum Anne suggested smiling. "What a wonderful idea!" My mum agreed before they made their way back into the kitchen where mine and Harry's dad were. Once we were in my room I continued with what I was doing before.
"Need a hand/" Harry had asked, smiling down at me. "uhm..sure..I..I mean I guess..if you want to" I mumbled awkwardly , I'm never really good in social situations, I tend to be very shy. Harry let out a chuckle before sitting down with me and helping me put my hundreds of books on the book shelves. "You like to read huh?" Harry looked over at me laughing slightly. "how'd you know?" I asked laughing. As we stacked up my books, we talked and got to know each other. Surprisingly we had a lt in common, and Harry was actually a really cool guy. The only real difference about is is our grades

"So your mum told me that you are going to my school" I was actually relieved when he said this, because I will actually know someone at my new school.
"Yeah, tomorrow is my first day" I said smiling softly.
   "Good luck" Is all Harry said with a smirk on his face.

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