Chapter Two: First Day

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Zayn's POV

"Get up you son of a bitch, I can't be blamed for you being late again" I woke up, like every other day. By the aggressive yelling of my always angry older brother.

"I'm up" I groaned as I felt a sharp pain in my stomach, caused by a punch from my brother's fist, which was followed by the slamming of a door and the sound of my brother's car zooming away.

I got up and looked over at the clock seeing that I had 30 minutes to get to school. Even though I don't give a damn if I'm late or not . I mean I am never on time.never. And I usually skip my first class anyway. I threw on my ripped black skinny jeans, black shirt, leather jacket and biker boots. Styling my hair is what takes the longest. Once I was one I took another look at the clock and realized that class had started. I shrugged it off and went downstairs to get my breakfast. I locked the door behind me hopping on my motorbike and made my way to school.

Once I got to school I parked my bike in it's spot, locking it up. I ran into Louis, who stood leaned against the wall, smoking a cigarette.

"Malik" he muttered with a smirk.

"Tomlinson" I muttered back, with a soft chuckle.

"Skipping 5th again?" He asked putting out his cig. I nodded fixing up my jacket.

"See ya then" he nodded and I made my way into the building.

Harry's POV

Today is Niall's first day of school, and I took it upon myself to show him around and tell him everything he needs to know about the school and everyone in it.

"Bye mum gotta go get Niall" I said throwing my bag on my shoulder and heading out the door. I approached Niall's house knocking on the door. Almost instantly his mum opened the door with a smile on her face.

"Hello harry"

"Hi mrs. Horan, is Niall ready?" She nodded her head before walking to the end of the stairs.

"Niall! Harry's here....let's go!" I heard some shuffling coming from upstairs, followed by Niall struggling to carry his books and bag down the stairs.

"It helps to put the books in the bag" I chuckled walking up and taking a few books out of his hands. Once he reached the end of the stairs he took his bag off and places some books inside before zipping it up. I handed him the last two books for him to csrryS he laughed awkwardly pushing up his glasses.

"Thanks for the help" I nodded

"That's what I'm here c'mon we don't wanna be late" I said, he said goodbye to his mum and we were out the door and on our way to school.

Niall's POV

Once we arrived at the school I swear my jaw dropped all the way to the floor. It was huge. All of my past schools have been half the size of this one. With half the amount of people.

"Niall, are you gonna keep staring or are we gonna go in" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry" I mumbled quietly before walking inside. It definantly looked bigger on the outside than it is on the inside. But there was still so many kids. Everyone was pushing through the crowds, the hall was noisy.

As Harry led me to my new locker, I started getting loads of looks from

The other students, and I heard all the whispers about me. I got really shy and my posture changed, I made no eye contact with everyone and kept my eyes glued to the floor. But I could still feel hundreds of eyes on me.

"And here we 120" Harry chimed. I nodded and smiled.

"Thanks...where's your locker." I asked as I got mine unlocked.

"Right 122" he said walking to my right, pointin at his locker. Thank god he has a locker near me. I don't know what he would do if he didn't.

"First you have maths, so you are going to need this book and this journal Harry pointed out which books and supplies I would need. I took them out and closed my locker, locking it up.

"Right this way" Harry began leading me down the halls to my first class.

"Now Mr. Cena can be mean, but as long as you stay on his good side, everything should be fine." Harry began explaining everything about that class and the teacher, but I zoned out, not listening. The reason for this was I was getting stared at.....and I was staring back. Across the hall there was a group of three boys and three girls..they didn't look the nicest.

They all had on the same form of ripped clothing, and dark colors. But one in particular caught my eye. There was a boy a little taller than me. He had raven black hair and deep brown eyes. He stood leaned against a locker, he had a leather jacket and black biker boots. He never dropped his gaze on me. I didn't feel nervous, or shy. I actually felt some what intimidated. After a while his gaze had dropped.

"Alright you should be good, see you after class" I nodded at Harry as he left for his classZ I took one last glance at the boys. He noticed me and simply smirked. I gulped before turning my head as walking into class.

Zayn's POV

We stood in our usual spot, waiting for the bell to ring for class. Turns out my brother changed the time on my clock, so that I would be on time for once. Louis, Liam and I were slumped against some lockers, talking with Perrie, Eleanor and Grace, when I notice someone who I don't recognize.

"Look at the new kid...what a geek" perrie scoffed and we all nodded in agreement

"And look he's already found another loser to be his butt buddy" Louis added making us chuckle.

I looked over at the new boy, who stood slumped over as of he was scared or something.. As I studied his face, I began to feel a sense of want...and type of need. There was something drawing me to him.. I don't know what it is, but I know it's something. As the bell rang for class I noticed the mysterious blonde boy glancing back over at me. I shot him a smirk and I saw him gulp before turning his head and entering Mr. Cena's class.

Who is this boy? And why am I so drawn to him?

Niall's POV

Finally, lunch time. I'm already tired of this day, and all the classes. I walked to my locker noticing Harry was already there waiting for me.

"How's it going school boy" Harry teased, I chuckled shaking my head. I opened my locker and put my books in there organized manner. I heard Harry chuckle, I smiled slightly shaking my head, closing my locker and locking it.

I followed Harry into the lunchroom. We got in line and Harry had told me what to eat and what I should never eat. Ever. After we got dour food and played for it, Harry lead me to a table in the back of the room. The table had a total of 3 people currently sitting at it. As we arrived I stood there awkwardly while Harry fretted them.

"Who's this?" A boy with fiery red hair asked. I smiled awkwardly as Harry introduces me.

"Guys this is Niall...he's new" the waved at me and I waved back shyly.

"And Niall this is Ed, Skyler and Jesy" I looked at them smiling.

"C'mon sit" Harry laughed and I did as he said. I took a seat next to him and across from jesy.

It Did take me while to warm up to them...I sat awkwardly for a while before I gained courage. By the end of lunch I had warmed up to them and had three new friends.

This is already better than my precious two loves. But it's only the first day....who knows what Bradford has in store for me.

A/N: Hello!! I really hope you like my story. I am really glad you are here. I hope you enjoy reading this..I have had this idea in mine for so long and I finally made it happen, and I am stoked. I love you all so much! I hope you enjoy my story. Stay beautiful xx -grace.

"You may be a badboy, But you're not a bad guy" (Ziall and Larry AU)Where stories live. Discover now