Chapter 3

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Coby accidently knocked something down and it made a loud crash sound. "Shhh!" said Katherine quietly

Aztec could hear the floorboards creak under his feet. After about two hours; he gave up and told the others to leave. Katherine breathed a sigh of relief. An hour later John came back and opened the door. "It's not safe here anymore." said John

John helped katherine and Coby out of the underground tunnel. "Get into the truck.* said John

Katherine and Coby did as they were told and got in. John got into the driver's seat and started driving fast. " Pardon me for asking, where are we going?" asked Coby

"There is a town 30 miles from here." said John " I knows these back roads like the back of my hand."

Soon the flying craft found them again and John stopped the car. "Go straight down the path." said John " There is a barn; that you can hide in. Stay there tell I get you. If I don't get there by dawn follow the path to the town."

"Alright." said Katherine

Katherine and Coby got out of the car. They started running to the barn but also being careful not to leave a trail behind them. Katherine heard footsteps behind them and saw the barn. Katherine notice that she was separated from her brother and waited for him. Coby soon walked by Katherine's hiding place and she pulled him in with her. She covered his mouth and saw the orange lizard walk past them. Katherine waited until the coast was clear and they both ran to the barn. Katherine saw that there was a whole in the hay bale stack. They hide in it and they heard lizard growls. "Aztec,I don't see them." said Anonymous #2

" They should be in there Louis." said Aztec

<* So that is there names.*>Thought Katherine <* What are the others names?*>

Aztec growled loudly and ordered everyone to the ship. Aztec had the ship try and lift the barn up. He wanted to scare the two humans out of hiding. John arrived after thirty minutes. John moved to the center of Barn and was caught in the light. He was soon killed by the light's strength. The light folded him in half and his bones popped like firewood. Katherine screamed with Coby, while waiting for the ship to leave for a little bit. Katherine and Coby ran and ran. They soon came to the path. As soon as they got to the path they knew they were safe. After an hour,Katherine and Coby both blacked out. Katherine woke up on a bed covered in blue and green sheets. The carpet was a light brown and the wall was a light red. "You're awake." said Aztec

Katherine looked in the direction of the voice and saw the white reptile. She jumped off the bed and fell on her bottom. Aztec laughed and walked over to help her up. Katherine's fight or flight kicked in and she ran to a corner, like a spider trapped by its predator. "Pardon my appearance miss." said Aztec "You have caught my interest."

Aztec made sure that there was space in between them incase Katherine try to hit him. Katherine's mind is soon not able to process what is happening any more and she passes out. Aztec picked her up and took her to the health wing of the ship. "Oh, good you got her." said Jason and Luis at the same time

"You know what to do Aztec." said Mike

Aztec set Katherine down on the table. "Now let's get this tracking device on her and return all their stuff to them." said Luis

(timeskip to three hours.)

Katherine woke up again to see herself restrained on a hospital bed. She looked around and saw Aztec again. "What do you want with me and my brother?" demanded Katherine.

" I want you to be my queen." said Aztec " No human has ever gotten away from my strategies and yet you did."

"So?" said Katherine " You still didn't answer my question."

" I want you." said Aztec " Not your brother. It is your decision on whether you accept or not."

Before Katherine could reply. She blacked out and Luis,Jason and, Mike came back in. Katherine woke up to see that it was four in the morning. She saw a note on her night stand that said " Night my Queen and see you next time our paths cross."

<*That was all a dream right?*> thought Katherine

"Wake up Katherine!" yelled Coby " Aren't we heading to the camping trip today?"

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